Live Update: COVID-19 20s most likely to be diagnosed
The Oregon Department of Health said Wednesday that people in their twenties were still most likely to be positive for coronaviruses.
More than one-fifth of the diagnoses since the beginning of the pandemic were adults in their twenties, but this age group is much less likely to be hospitalized or to die after infection. The virus remains the deadliest in the elderly, with one in every five diagnosed after age 80.
A breakdown of the severity and incidence of COVID-19 by age in Oregon revealed the following:
- 855 children under the age of 9 were diagnosed with the virus and 2.1% were hospitalized, but none died.
- 1,953 children aged 10-19 years and teens were diagnosed with the virus, 1% of whom were hospitalized and none died.
- 4,202 people between the ages of 20 and 29 have been diagnosed, 2.5% are hospitalized and one is dead.
- 3,385 people aged 30-39 were diagnosed, 4.2% were hospitalized and 3 died.
- 3,220 people between the ages of 40 and 49 were diagnosed, 6.3% were hospitalized and 5 died.
- 2,470 people between the ages of 50 and 59 were diagnosed, 10.8% were hospitalized, and 20 died.
- 1,593 people aged 60 to 69 were diagnosed, 20.1% were hospitalized and 61 died.
- 977 people aged 70-79 were diagnosed, 33.3% were hospitalized, and 86 died.
- 681 people over the age of 80 were diagnosed, 36.6% were hospitalized, and 152 died.
The Oregon Department of Health has reviewed weekly COVID-19 data from July 27th to August 2nd and has released a weekly report for Wednesday.
We found that the percentage of tests that returned a positive result increased from 5.1% to 6.4%. According to Centers for Disease control figures, this is still superior to the national average of 8.7% positive test results. The World Health Organization recommends that positivity rates be below 5% for two weeks before the community begins to reopen.
According to a state report, 141 people were hospitalized with coronavirus in Oregon in the last week, up from 127 a week ago.
In most cases, health authorities could not identify how newly diagnosed people were infected.
The Pacific Islander coronavirus infection rate is about 12 times that of the white Oregon. Oregon Department of Health.
Pacific Islander immigrants from the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau have long felt a barrier to access to health care. Known as Freedom Association of Compacts (COFA) Immigrants, They are legally allowed to live and work in the United States, but they do not have access to the social safety net that US citizens can. COFA immigrants have difficulty accessing programs such as unemployment benefits and the Oregon Health Plan.
The lack of access to healthcare increases the risk of COVID with a high incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure
Relation: Oregon Pacific Islanders have an extremely high proportion of COVID-19s
Oregon approached its 20,000th coronavirus diagnosis on Wednesday, health officials announced 299 new confirmed and putative COVID-19 cases. So, since the beginning of the pandemic, 19,979 people have been diagnosed with the virus in Oregon and 4,037 have confirmed recovery.
The Oregon Department of Health also reported that there were another five deaths from the coronavirus on Wednesday.
- An 87-year-old woman in Clackamas County who died at home. She tested positive on July 8, but state officials had not confirmed the date of her death. She had an underlying illness.
- A 74-year-old Umatilla County man tested positive on July 17 and died in a hospital in Kennewick, Washington on July 28. He had an underlying health condition.
- A 74-year-old man from Umatilla County. He tested positive on 12 July and died at St Anthony Hospital in Pendleton on 1 August. Authorities could not determine if he had the underlying disorder.
- A 67-year-old man in Washington County who tested positive on 20 July and died at Kaiser Westside Medical Center in Hillsboro on 3 August. He had an underlying illness.
- A 83-year-old Josephine County man. He tested positive on July 19th and died at home on August 3rd. He had an underlying illness.
Relation: COVID-19 in numbers
Clark County, Washington, is approaching the 2,000th lawsuit of the coronavirus. The county reported 45 new positive tests Wednesday, bringing the total diagnosis to 1,991. The number of people who died of the virus was 40, leveling off.
According to the latest data available statewide, 60,084 people in Washington have been diagnosed with coronavirus and 1,624 have died in the state as a whole.
The veterinarian Dr. Katie Felton’s love for animals is matched only by the care and sympathy she has for her four-legged client.
“I grew up in a small town in Oregon, and we had enough land to save a lot of creatures. So we always had two or three dogs and one “I had a handful of cats, I had rabbits, I rescued a few ducks, all with names like guinea pigs,” Felton said.
After practicing for 12 years as a vet, Felton began his practice in January. Then, it became a big fashion. With some ingenuity and patience, Felton was able to adapt her work to the new normal of life under COVID-19.
Relation: How Portland Veterinarians Continue to Care for Furry Customers
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