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Cancer Diagnoses a Plunge During COVID-19, Experts Fear That May Later Mean Poorer Disease | Nationwide


Early in the coronavirus pandemic, six common cancer types were diagnosed. A new study suggests that this is because regular screening has been postponed by the healthcare system, avoiding patients from going to the doctor for fear of getting the virus.

The study is an analysis of Quest Diagnostics data published online at the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, and new diagnoses of breast, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, gastric and esophageal cancers will be available from March 1st. By April 18, it turned out to have decreased by 46%. This year compared to last year’s average diagnosis rate.

The new findings provide rigorous evidence of late treatment outcomes: an increase in undetected cancers that may be more advanced and difficult to treat when they are finally diagnosed.

“No one says coronavirus prevents cancer. It just prevents getting care in a timely manner.”

At the peak of the pandemic, Pennsylvania and New Jersey should stop all medical systems except the most urgent medical services to protect personal protective equipment and staff to cope with the surge in COVID-19 cases. It was one of the many states I ordered. To reduce the number of people who can get the virus. As a result, preventive screening for cervical, colon and breast cancer decreased 86% to 96% year-on-year in March, according to a report from medical record company Epic.

“Just as we focused on cancer, it applies to almost everything in health care….As long as we all defer medical services, some of these conditions progress and There is some risk of doing more damage to us than we would otherwise have.”

Kauffman and his co-authors analyzed data from approximately 278,800 Quest diagnosed patients from January 2018 to April 2020. They compared the frequency with which patients referred for testing received a new cancer diagnosis between the baseline period of 2018 and 2019 and early 2020.

The study was limited: a disproportionate number of patients in the study group were women, and diagnostic data provided insights into the treatments patients received, or whether delays in diagnosis necessarily resulted in health outcomes I don’t.

Still, this trend is worrisome to cancer doctors.

“We may have been able to prevent it, but we’ve been worried that some cancers can be prevented fairly easily, but they may not always be stopped when they can be prevented,” Weinberg said. Said.

For example, regular colonoscopies greatly reduce the risk of colon cancer. During surgery, a scope is inserted into the colon and the polyp is removed. This prevents cancerous polyps from developing into colon cancer.

Delayed screening can lead to colorectal cancer before polyps are detected, Weinberg said.

Now that clinics and hospitals have resumed non-emergency procedures, patients are returning for appointments, but many are still wary of exposure to the virus and continue to delay treatment.

Kauffman said the latest research on delayed diagnosis of cancer is an urgent reminder why regular cancer screening, such as colonoscopy and mammograms, is so important.

“We need medical care to reach out to patients and bring them back,” he said. “If you have the opportunity to extend your time, connect using telehealth…you need to think of a sensible way to reach out to your patients and get them back.”

(C) 2020 Philadelphia Research Company

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Photos (contact 312-222-4194 for image help): Cancer Diagnosis

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