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How ultra-processed foods increase risk

How ultra-processed foods increase risk


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Experts say hot dogs are one of the ultra-processed foods that should be limited in your diet. Anastasia Dobrshina/Getty Images
  • New research suggests there may be a link between ultra-processed foods, strokes and cognitive decline.
  • Ultra-processed foods include chips and many frozen meals.
  • Experts say the next step is further research to better explain the link and determine which foods pose the most risk.

new the study Published in the journal Neurology There have been reports of an association between regularly eating ultra-processed foods and the risk of cognitive decline and stroke.

The study was based on data from two cohorts: 14,175 people with cognitive decline and 20,243 people with stroke; all study participants were aged 45 or older.

Dr. Gary Small The chief of psychiatry at Hackensack Meridian Health and former longtime professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said the study isn't surprising from a brain health perspective.

“We know that certain types of foods, particularly processed foods, especially ultra-processed foods, are bad for your heart, but they're also not good for your brain,” Small, who was not involved in the study, told Healthline.

After accounting for the role played by other factors such as age and blood pressure, the researchers reported that a 10% increase in the amount of ultra-processed foods participants reported eating could increase their risk of cognitive impairment by 16%.

When it comes to stroke, people who ate more ultra-processed foods had an 8% higher risk of stroke. Those who ate more unprocessed or minimally processed foods had a 9% lower risk. Examples of minimally processed foods include fruits and legumes. In these studies, foods Divided into four groupsWe use a system called NOVA.

Dr. W. Taylor KimberlyOne of the researchers involved in the study said these findings have important implications for future research.

“A healthy diet is important for maintaining brain health in older adults, but the dietary choices most important for the brain remain unknown,” Kimberly said. statement“We found that increased intake of ultra-processed foods was associated with an increased risk of both stroke and cognitive impairment, and the association between ultra-processed foods and stroke was greater among black participants.”

The increased risk of stroke for black participants was 15%.

The study used multiple memory assessments and participants took part in home interviews. People who self-reported having dementia, had symptoms of dementia or depression, or had a history of head trauma were excluded.

During the study's 11-year follow-up period, 1,108 strokes and 768 cases of cognitive impairment were reported.

To assess the participants' dietary intake, the researchers used a food questionnaire. They also calculated scores showing the association between participants' eating habits and dietary focus on stroke and neurological function. These included: Mediterranean dietDietary therapy to prevent high blood pressure (dash), and The Mediterranean DASH intervention for delaying neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Clifford SegillDr. John F. Schneider, a neurologist at Providence Saint John's Health Center in California who was not involved in the study, said he hopes the research will lead to a better understanding of how diets high in ultra-processed foods affect people with different forms of dementia.

“I would like to see this group of researchers team up with cognitive behavioral neurologists and neurologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating patients with memory loss to study whether consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with an increase in vascular dementia and multi-infarct dementia in a population of patients with stroke and cognitive impairment,” Seguill told Healthline.

Kimberly and other researchers say more research is needed to connect the dots.

“Our findings suggest that the degree of food processing plays an important role in overall brain health,” Kimberly said. “Further research is needed to confirm these results and better understand which food and processing components are most responsible for these effects.”

Small agrees that researchers say studying the links between dietary choices, stroke and cognitive impairment is difficult, especially when conditions include: Alzheimer's disease.

“When we do autopsies and look at the brains of these patients, we often find that it's not just Alzheimer's,” he says. “There are mini-strokes in the brain. There may be evidence of head trauma. So there's a lot of things that can go wrong in the brain. The good thing about stroke disease is that there's a lot we can do to mitigate the symptoms.”

of U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion These risk reduction measures include some dietary changes, such as the amount of salt consumed, but could also include regular exercise and medication options.

Small says there's some good news about this study that people can implement while they wait for future research results.

“If you live a brain-healthy lifestyle, it's good for your heart, it's good for many aspects of your health,” he said. “I'm not going to wait 20 years for conclusive research because there's a lot of evidence to suggest that brain health is good for your health, it's good for your mood. I could go on and on about how important brain health is to your quality of life. You're going to feel better about yourself now, and you're going to live a longer, better life.”




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