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Santa Clara County to Eradicate Deadly Mosquito Species

Santa Clara County to Eradicate Deadly Mosquito Species


(KRON) — Santa Clara County will implement a series of measures to eradicate Aedes aegypti, an invasive mosquito known to transmit the Zika virus, an infectious disease that causes birth defects and other deadly diseases.

The eradication efforts will take place around Machado Lane in east San Jose, where 12 daytime biting mosquitoes have been found since early April, Santa Clara County said in a statement.

The district, with the help of residents, has been unable to eradicate the mosquito population despite first-level response measures such as spraying larvicides at potential mosquito breeding sources on private property.

Treatment planning

The treatment, known as broad-spectrum larvicide spraying, lasts about two hours and targets mosquito larvae using truck-mounted mist sprayers, which the county says are harmless to beneficial insects, wildlife and humans.

The first treatment is scheduled to take place around 8:30 a.m. May 29. County officials said they plan to conduct several treatments in the area over the next few months.

The county said the mist is different from the treatment used to combat West Nile virus because it uses a different insecticide, is sprayed during the day and targets mosquito larvae rather than actual mosquitoes.

All of the pesticides are approved by federal and state environmental protection agencies and are in widespread use throughout California, county officials said.

About Aedes aegypti

(Photo by Luis Lobayo/AFP) (Photo by Luis Lobayo/AFP via Getty Images)

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are about a quarter-inch long and have black and white stripes on their backs and legs. They can only fly within 500 feet of where they hatch, and do not travel long distances.

This mosquito is a “container breeder” and prefers to lay its eggs just above the water line in small, artificial water sources such as buckets, pet dishes, fountains and bird baths, flower pots and saucers, and old tires.

This is the second time that Aedes aegypti has been detected in Santa Clara County. The county first implemented a successful eradication program in fall 2022 when the invasive insect was detected at an industrial facility north of San Jose.

“This incident is more severe,” the county said. The mosquito population is higher and spread across multiple buildings in a residential area. The warmer months are also when mosquitoes are most active.

How to prepare

Residents should:

  • Screen appropriately Rainwater tankwater tank and Irrigation and drainage channels This is to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
  • Fix leaky faucets and broken sprinkler heads, Overwatering Lawn and plants.
  • Make sure your window and door screens don't have any holes or tears and fit tightly.
  • Make sure the pool water level is sufficient for proper circulation and filtration.

To prevent mosquito bites:

  • Apply Insect repellent For products containing EPA-registered ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, and lemon eucalyptus oil, be sure to follow label directions.
  • When mosquitoes are most active, wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and shoes.
  • Make sure your window and door screens are in good condition.

Residents who experience mosquito bites during the day should immediately contact the Vector Control District at (408) 918-4770 or Vector [email protected].

If you have symptoms such as fever, headache, joint or muscle pain after returning from an area where dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever or Zika are present, contact your doctor and try to stay indoors as much as possible and avoid mosquito bites to help prevent the spread of the viruses.

County officials from the Vector Control District and Public Health Department plan to hold a community meeting on May 28 to educate residents about the treatment and answer questions. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Alum Rock Branch Library in San Jose, organizers said.




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