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“My father died a terrible death.”

“My father died a terrible death.”


BBC Greg MurphyBBC

Greg Murphy said his father suffered terrible symptoms after receiving the infected blood.

Greg Murphy couldn't understand why his father, Bill, was so furious when he told him he'd borrowed his father's electric razor to shave his beard.

The teenage Greg did not know that his father's reaction was driven by fear that his son might catch an infection that Bill had had for years.

Bill Murphy, from Liverpool, was a haemophiliac who was one of an estimated 3,000 people to have died after receiving infected blood products.

Greg, now 56, said his father's illness was “horrific”.

'Severe symptoms'

In his submission to the Infected Blood Inquiry, Gregg described how Bill had suffered severe, sudden mouth bleeding that “came out of nowhere”.

They are “a direct result of accelerated liver failure due to cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B and C infections,” he said.

“I remember we were all in a Chinese restaurant and all of a sudden he started bleeding profusely from his mouth,” he said.

“He had to wear dark clothing to cope with those conditions.

“Eventually, we stopped going out at all.”

Bill is believed to have been infected in 1968. He subsequently contracted hepatitis B and C, developed cirrhosis of the liver, was diagnosed with liver cancer in the spring of 1994, and died shortly thereafter at the age of 59.

Greg remembers his father being sick since he was a child.

He recalls visiting his father in hospital on Christmas Day 1978 and seeing his father's face yellow with jaundice.

The cumulative effect of tainted blood transfusions had left him orange-coloured, and the full extent of his illness became apparent in 1991 while Bill, an accountant, was recovering from knee surgery.

By the time he died three years later, Greg knew every nook and cranny of the Royal Liverpool Hospital.

Family Handouts Bill MurphyHandouts for families

Bill Murphy was infected with Hepatitis B and C, which left him with cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The blood-borne disease incident was traumatic for the Murphy family, and Bill was not the only one whose health was affected.

His two brothers contracted HIV from infected blood and died from the disease.

But it took 30 years for the Murphy family, and thousands of other families across the UK, to get the justice they had fought for so long.

Last week, inquiry chairman Sir Brian Langstaff published a damning report into the infected blood scandal.

The government's bill to guarantee a full compensation scheme for affected families It was one of the bills lawmakers passed before Parliament was dissolved on Friday.Ahead of the general election.

“My mother was widowed at 56 and is now 86,” Greg said.

“She may achieve financial security in 30 years.

“That way we can get a sense of how this all plays out.”

In his report, Sir Brian blamed “systematic, collective and individual failures to respond ethically, appropriately and swiftly to the risk of blood-borne infection, the transmission when that risk became a reality, and the impact it had on thousands of families”.

“This was the Hillsborough investigation's moment,” Gregg said after the report was released Monday.

“The genie is out of the bottle, and there's no putting it back in.”




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