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Adult ADHD: What you need to know

Adult ADHD: What you need to know


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Very common It is a childhood neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually diagnosed in children, but ADHD tends to be underdiagnosed. woman and People of ColorAs a result, some people reach adulthood without realizing that they may have the disease.

Busy Philipps is one of them. The actress recently revealed that she was diagnosed with ADHD after going to the doctor for her daughter. “My older daughter was having trouble in school, so I took her in for a check-up, and literally at that appointment, my ex-husband, Mark, was there., “Everything the doctor was asking Birdie or telling her, I was like, 'But that's me. That's what I have,' and we were looking at each other,” Birdie, 44, said. Us Weekly.

Before her diagnosis, Phillips said she felt like “there was something wrong with me,” but now she understands that her difficulties with tasks and schedules are due to ADHD. “There are solutions. There are medications. It's changed my life,” she said.

Phillips isn't the only one to have had this experience: Over the past few years, “we've seen a massive increase in people seeking a diagnosis for ADHD,” Phillips said. Justin A. Bertelian “There seems to be less stigma around ADHD and other mental illnesses in our culture right now, and some people who meet the criteria for ADHD are seeking a diagnosis for the first time,” added Dr.

But Bertarian said there are also “misleading” social media and influencer accounts that “misrepresent” the symptoms of the disease, leading “many people to believe they have the disease when they don't fully meet the criteria.”

All of this raises many questions about adult ADHD and how it's diagnosed. Experts who treat these patients explain the questions in detail.

What is the difference between adult and child ADHD?

ADHD has the same symptoms in children and adults, but symptoms can be different in adults. Joshua M. Langberg Ph.D., a Licensed Clinical Psychologist from the Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, and Center for Youth Social and Emotional Health.

“Childhood ADHD is often characterized by high levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity,” he says. “In contrast, adult ADHD is primarily characterized by inattention and poor concentration, organization, and time management.”

According to Ramberg, hyperactivity is more prevalent in children, but adults tend to have feelings of inner restlessness. “In adulthood, ADHD symptoms may be less noticeable to others, but they are just as significant and disruptive,” she says. “Difficulties with sustained attention, attention to detail, and organization and planning can cause significant problems in higher education performance, occupational functioning, and relationships.”

Symptoms of ADHD In adults

People with ADHD tend to suffer from certain symptoms, including inattention (difficulty paying attention), hyperactivity (having a lot of energy), and impulsivity (acting without thinking or controlling themselves). Dr James McGoughHe is a professor of clinical psychiatry at UCLA and co-director of the ADHD Clinic.

Some people with ADHD are primarily inattentive, while others are primarily hyperactive and impulsive, but some people have both. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says:

According to the NIMH, people with inattentive ADHD may struggle with tasks such as:

  • Attention to detail
  • Pay attention to lengthy tasks like writing reports, filling out forms, reviewing long papers, etc.
  • Listen carefully when spoken to directly
  • Follows instructions and performs job duties.
  • Organizing tasks and activities
  • Time Management
  • Perform tasks that require constant attention

You may also lose things like your keys, wallet, or cell phone, become easily distracted, and forget to pay bills, keep appointments, or return phone calls.

According to the NIMH, hyperactive and inactive people may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Extreme restlessness and difficulty sitting still for long periods of time
  • Fidgeting or tapping of hands or feet or squirming in seat
  • Struggling to do quiet leisure activities
  • Talking excessively
  • Answering before a question has been fully asked
  • It's a hassle to wait in line
  • Interrupting others

but Hilary AmonPsyD, Clinical Psychologist Center for Anxiety and Women's Emotional Healthemphasizes that all adults experience some of these symptoms from time to time. “You might find that sometimes you have trouble getting everything done or that you're forgetful,” she says. “It might not be ADHD, but you might have too much on your plate at once, which is causing you to be forgetful and make mistakes.”

People with ADHD often have a chronic history of making recurring to-do lists but rarely succeeding in completing them, continually choosing enjoyable tasks over boring ones, facing real consequences for making mistakes or not completing tasks, or procrastinating on tasks that seem “too big” or “insurmountable,” Ammon says.

But even if someone suddenly starts experiencing ADHD symptoms, McGough says it's unlikely that they're due to ADHD. “You can't be a partner at a law firm and live to be 50 and suddenly develop ADHD,” he says. “That's just hard to believe.”

How is ADHD diagnosed in adults?

A diagnosis of ADHD in adults usually begins with a person realizing they're struggling, McGough says. “People with higher intelligence or from more affluent families may go through college and beyond without realizing anything's going on,” she says. But suddenly, when they're faced with more difficult life situations, those problems can become apparent.

“There are people who are going into medical school or law school who have never had this problem before because they've been well supported in the past or they're smart,” McGough says.

Doctors usually ask a lot of questions during the first appointment, Dr. AS Shazia Savur“We ask patients what's going on and what they're struggling with,” says Jonathan Mather, a psychiatrist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. People with ADHD tend to have problems in many areas of their lives, including work, school and relationships, and asking about how things are going in those areas can be enlightening for doctors, he says.

But your doctor will also want to know about your past: “They'll ask if you had these problems growing up, and if you had similar symptoms in elementary or middle school,” says Sable.

Savru points out that factors like severe depression and severe anxiety can also mimic ADHD symptoms, so it's important to rule these out as well. “People who smoke marijuana a lot start to develop symptoms that are very similar to ADHD,” Savru says. “Those are things that need to be taken into consideration.”

While your doctor will have you fill out a questionnaire, you should also expect a few hours of in-person or online consultation, says Ramberg. “The clinician's main job is to determine why the symptoms of inattention are worrisome and whether it's due to ADHD, anxiety, depression, sleep, stress, a change in circumstances, etc.,” he says. “There is a diagnostic manual that clinicians use, and to meet the criteria for ADHD, you have to meet certain clearly defined symptom thresholds now and during childhood.”

Langberg emphasizes that there is no one test for ADHD: “If someone is looking at blood type or EEG or performance on a computer task and saying they can diagnose ADHD on that basis alone, they're not following recommended procedures and best practices, and they're not doing it ethically,” he says.

What is the treatment for ADHD in adults?

Treating adult ADHD is similar for children and adults, Bertarian says, and includes the use of stimulant medications such as amphetamine/dextroamphetamine salts (Adderall) or lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse, Elvanse), which can have side effects such as headaches, anxiety and sleep problems. Mayo Clinic.

Other options include non-stimulant medications and non-drug treatments, Savru said.

“Adults may also benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy aimed at addressing deficits in skills related to executive function,” Bertelian says. “Skills acquired through therapy can help people with ADHD learn to modify their environment to reduce impairments associated with ADHD symptoms.”

If ADHD is suspected, doctors stress the importance of getting an evaluation from a qualified mental health care provider. “Anxiety disorders can be misdiagnosed as ADHD,” Amon says. “To be clear, some people have both anxiety and ADHD. However, I've diagnosed clients with suspected ADHD, when in fact it was an anxiety disorder that was the underlying cause of their procrastination. That's why a proper diagnosis is so important.”

If you've been diagnosed with ADHD, McGough says getting the right treatment can be life-changing. “I have friends who have taken the right medication for ADHD and gotten fantastic reviews at work. Their lawyers will say, 'Our billing has tripled,'” McGough says. “Those are very visible results.”

Savre agrees that the right treatment can make a big difference. “The majority of patients respond,” she says. “They start to feel better about themselves and function better at work or school. We have lots of stories of people who have made good recoveries since starting treatment.”




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