Epidural analgesia during childbirth reduces risk of serious complications by 35%
- Receiving epidural analgesia during labour reduces severe maternal morbidity (SMM) after birth.
- Epidural anesthesia is an effective pain management technique during childbirth and also helps relax muscles and reduce stress on the body.
- Experts agree that it's important to support and educate all women when it comes to decisions about how to manage pain during childbirth.
Receiving an epidural during labour has been shown to reduce serious maternal complications in the weeks after birth, including heart attack, heart failure, sepsis and hysterectomy.
The results of the study
The researchers looked at data from the Scottish National Health Service on 567,216 mothers who gave birth naturally or by unplanned Caesarean section between 2007 and 2019.
Keshia GaitherThe MD, who is dually certified in obstetrics and gynecology and director of perinatal services/maternal-fetal medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx, offered a list of risk factors.
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Infection/Sepsis
- Preeclampsia/eclampsia
- heart attack
- Enlarged heart and weakened heart muscle
The survey results showed that 22% of women received epidural anesthesia during childbirth.Severe maternal illnessIt occurred at a rate of 4.3 per 1,000 births.
The study authors found that receiving an epidural reduced the risk of serious complications by 35%.
Experts say epidurals not only provide pain relief, but also help lower the risk of high-risk pregnancies.
“Based on my experience and the studies mentioned above, I believe that epidural analgesia, when appropriate, is a safe and beneficial option for pain relief during childbirth,” she said. Matthew Casavant“Epidural anesthesia not only effectively manages pain, but it also reduces severe maternal morbidity (SMM) by reducing the physical burden on the mother, which is critical for high-risk pregnancies,” says Dr. S.
“The benefits of pain management go beyond comfort and have a direct impact on maternal and neonatal outcomes,” Casavant said. “For example, we've found that mothers who receive epidural anesthesia often experience fewer high blood pressure spikes and less physical stress, reducing the chance of complications like preeclampsia.”
Tina HendrickThe board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, MD, points out that epidurals affect the muscles themselves.
“Epidurals have many benefits, including pain relief, relaxing the pelvic muscles to help the baby descend, and giving the mother rest during labor. I have had epidurals with both of my children and it was a wonderful experience,” Hendrick said.
Although the study shows the benefits of epidural anesthesia, especially for patients with severe maternal complications, not everyone is a candidate for the procedure.
“Basic neuraxial anesthesia (epidural anesthesia) has been promoted as a safe procedure for select patients. For example, patients with underlying bleeding diathesis are generally not candidates for this procedure,” Gaither explained.
Experts agree that ensuring equitable access to epidural analgesia is important.
Casavant added: “We must help all women, regardless of their background, make informed decisions about pain management options during childbirth. This includes comprehensive education and discussions throughout their prenatal care, tailored to each patient's unique medical history and needs.”
All information about the procedure should be provided to the patient so that they can make an educated decision.
“When I counsel patients about epidurals, I always mention how it can help with treatment if they have underlying comorbidities,” Hendrick says, “I also point out risk factors and reasons why a patient might not be a candidate for an epidural. But ultimately, it's the patient's decision, and I support them regardless of their choice.”
A new study shows that receiving epidural analgesia reduces severe maternal complications (SMM) after birth.
Epidurals can help manage pain during labor, but it's important to make sure you're a good candidate for them.
Healthcare professionals agree that it is essential to inform all women about the importance of making safe and healthy decisions about pain management during childbirth.
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