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8 lifestyle factors that reduce risk and slow aging

8 lifestyle factors that reduce risk and slow aging
8 lifestyle factors that reduce risk and slow aging


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A new study suggests that eight essential life behaviors could extend your life by slowing biological aging and reducing your risk of heart disease. Lucy Lambriex/Getty Images
  • New research suggests that adopting good heart habits could reduce your risk of heart disease and death.
  • Eight essential life behaviors were also associated with younger biological age.
  • These lifestyle choices can alter DNA methylation, a factor in cellular aging.
  • Taking slow, manageable steps is the best way to begin any lifestyle change.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites the following statistics: Heart disease is the number one cause of death among women, men and most racial and ethnic groups in the country.

In fact, the agency says heart disease accounts for about 20% of all deaths in 2021.

One of the risk factors for heart disease is age.

However, on May 29, 2024, study A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that heart-healthy behaviors and risk factor management can reduce the risk of heart disease and death from all causes, including heart disease. strokeregardless of age.

What's more, these lifestyle habits, which the American Heart Association calls the “Eight Essential Lifestyles,” are linked to people having a younger biological age, meaning their cells are healthier than would be expected for their chronological age.

The aim of the study was to investigate whether a process called “DNA methylation,” which is known to regulate gene expression, affects cell ageing and people's risk of death.

The research team looked at data from 5,682 adults, more than half (56%) of whom were women, with an average age of 56 years.

These people underwent physical and clinical examinations, as well as interviews and were assessed using the American Heart Association's “Life's Essential 8” tool.

Life's Essential Eight includes four actions:

  • Nighttime sleep duration
  • Whether to smoke
  • How much physical activity you do
  • How well you eat

It also includes four clinical measures:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Blood glucose level
  • cholesterol
  • blood pressure

Based on all these factors, people are assigned a score on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest score.

But the researchers didn't stop there: They also used four other tools that estimate biological age based on DNA methylation, as well as a fifth tool that measures people's genetic propensity to rapid biological aging.

The study participants were then followed for 11 to 14 years to see whether they developed cardiovascular disease or died.

When the researchers analysed the data, they found that people with higher scores on the Life Essentials 8 had a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

For every 13-point increase in score, there was a reduction in incident cardiovascular disease (35%), death from cardiovascular disease (36%), and death from all causes (29%).

Additionally, people who were genetically at higher risk for accelerated biological aging were more affected by the Life's Essential 8 score, which the researchers believe may be due to DNA methylation.

The researchers estimated that about 20% of the association between Life's Essential 8 and cardiovascular disease outcomes was driven by the effects of these factors on DNA methylation.

However, this figure was almost doubled in people with a high genetic risk.

Khashayar HematpurDr. I.D., an assistant professor of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Texas at Houston, explained that the main cause of aging is that over time, our “core genetic material,” DNA, changes as it combines with other molecules.

“This study suggests that heart-healthy behaviors may reverse DNA methylation and potentially reverse the aging process,” he said.

Kubanich TakirbashevMD, Health & Wellness Advisor NaoFurthermore, we explained that methylation is a type of epigenetic modification that involves the addition of methyl groups to DNA molecules.

“These changes in DNA methylation may affect gene expression and ultimately influence the cellular aging process,” he said.

Takirbashev pointed to exercise as an example of a factor that can bring about positive changes in DNA methylation patterns and slow down aging.

“Exercise supports cellular health and longevity by promoting favorable changes in gene expression,” he said.

Eating a balanced diet is also important, he says, “as certain nutrients in such a diet, such as polyphenols and omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to regulate gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms.”

Michael O. McKinneyThe key is to take small, actionable steps toward your goal, said Dr. Bryan, M.D., an attending physician at Healthy Outlook in Jacksonville, Florida.

“For example, aim to walk, bike, or swim at a moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes per week,” he advises. “To achieve this goal, split your time into 30-minute bouts, five times per week, is a good idea.”

You can also try incorporating more physical activity into your daily life, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a walk during your lunch break.

When it comes to diet, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats like those found in nuts and avocados should make up the majority of your diet, McKinney said.

“In addition, limiting your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive red meat may benefit your heart health,” he said.

Another important step, McKinney said, is to quit smoking.

“Access medications through smoking cessation programs and counseling services, as well as nicotine replacement therapy,” he suggested. “Health care providers and the community can be of great help in helping people quit successfully.”

McKinney said: Stress Management Incorporate it into your daily routine: activities like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help reduce anxiety.

“Stress levels can be reduced by just a few minutes of practice each day. Mindfulnesswhich improves overall health,” he said.

Finally, McKinney stressed the importance of regular check-ups with your doctor to check your total cholesterol, HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, aka “good cholesterol”) and blood sugar levels.

“By slowly incorporating these habits into daily life, people could significantly improve their cardiovascular health and perhaps reverse some of the cellular aging,” he concluded.

Scientists have discovered that heart-healthy behaviors (8 essential life behaviors) are associated with reduced cellular aging.

They were also less likely to develop heart disease or die from heart disease or other causes.

These lifestyle factors may support cellular health by preventing methylation, which can affect gene expression.

According to experts, the best way to develop these eight essential life behaviors is to take small, actionable steps toward your goal.

Making these habits a part of your daily life may help improve your heart health and slow biological aging.




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