The best scientifically-backed strategies for staying mentally strong as you age
At 62, founder Marie Jerusalem feels more adapted than ever to the changing demands of the corporate world: “My body is not as agile as it used to be, but mentally I am stronger than I've ever been in my career,” she says. luck.
At age 57, Jerusalem was fired from her job as chief human resources officer for a private equity firm. But she I wasn't financially or emotionally ready to retire.After working as a business consultant in human resources for several years, she pivoted to launch Rocket50, a membership community and job search platform supporting older workers. To get the business off the ground, she had to quickly learn a set of new skills, from integrating AI to creating marketing and social media strategies.
Jerusalem rejects the notion that older people are unwilling to learn new ways of doing things, and believes that starting a business requires learning new skills and engaging with others, which has boosted her confidence and mental resilience.
We often think that as we age, our brains stop functioning optimally. Research from the National Institute on Aging and Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) suggests that while it's normal for thinking speed and attention to decline with age, our decision-making abilities and abstract reasoning skills may improve with age.
This is good news. Employees over 55 Over the next decade, more than a quarter of the workforce And Americans are increasingly Working after retirement Maybe it's because you want to keep working, or maybe it's because finances or caregiving responsibilities force you to work. Whatever your reason for working, you all have one thing in common: you want to keep your mind sharp. Luckily, the brain is adaptable, and experts say that by developing daily habits, you can maintain your cognitive abilities into older age.
Sleep is important for everyone's health, but especially for the aging brain. “Sleep disorders are associated with cognitive impairment and reduced physical function,” says Marie-Pierre Saint-Onge, PhD, director of CUIMC's Center for Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Research.
Ideally, people should get seven to nine hours of sleep a night, but about one-third of older adults don't meet that minimum, according to a study published in BMC Public Health. Experts recommend sticking to a regular sleep and wake-up schedule, Nighttime relaxation This includes limiting screen time and engaging in calming activities, in addition to any other interventions recommended by your doctor.
Research has been going on for a long time. The role of exercise Helps protect important brain functions: Exercise helps prevent age-related atrophy of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory.
It doesn't take a lot of activity to see positive results. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Just 10 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise each day, like brisk walking, cycling, or hiking, has been shown to improve mental processing skills like planning and completing tasks efficiently. Exercise can also help reduce sleep disorders like insomnia.
Friendly Neighbor
Maintaining strong friendships and relationships may feel at odds with work and caregiving responsibilities, but grabbing coffee with a colleague, volunteering in your community, or hosting a family dinner can help keep your brain stimulated.
“Social activity protects against a variety of negative health outcomes in later life, including cognitive decline, dementia, and even premature death,” says Patricia Boyle, PhD, director of the McKnight Foundation for Brain Research and a neuropsychologist at the Rush Alzheimer's Center in Chicago. It may also help keep the brain resilient in the face of disease, she adds.
In addition, socializing, Especially across generationsIt broadens people's perspectives and invigorates the mind by allowing them to consider new ways of thinking, explains Dr Tara Swart, renowned neuroscientist and author of The Science of Thinking. Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life.
Lifelong Learning
The brain continues to develop as we age, but that development stagnates if we don't engage in activities that require concentration, Swart said. Starting a business, as Jerusalem did, is one such activity, but you don't need to engage in activities that require that much concentration to reap the benefits.
“Learning a new language or instrument is so difficult that it forces changes on the brain,” Swart said, strengthening executive function, the ability to regulate emotions and solve complex problems.
Even the passive enjoyment of art can have brain-boosting effects: The emerging field of neuroaesthetics suggests that everything from listening to an opera to watching a ballet to examining a painting could improve attention and ultimately extend lifespan. “Beauty in these forms has a really beneficial effect on us,” Swart says.
A new perspective on aging
A study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that people who have a positive outlook on aging tend to live longer and have better physical and cognitive health.
Maddie Dycktwald, author Ageless Agingsays that ageing brings many positive aspects, including wisdom and self-acceptance. “We become empowered to take action in ways we never thought we could,” she says.
Leslie Steinman, a research scientist at the University of Washington's Center for Health Promotion Research, warns against using outdated terms like “silver tsunami” that perpetuate negative stereotypes about aging.
Steinman, a researcher with the Programme for Promoting Active and Rewarding Lives (PEARLS), helps older adults stay engaged and take an active role in their later years. “People are often surprised at how much they can do, even though systemic and structural issues still make life difficult,” she says.
Positive thinking can also help ease some of the following mental health issues: depressionThis is a particular concern for older adults who are facing health issues or dealing with loss and grief. Habits like getting enough sleep, exercising, and a positive mindset can help reduce stress and depression, which in turn can boost cognitive performance.
Jerusalem has no plans to retire anytime soon. She wakes up every day eager to learn and engage with older employees. If she ever loses motivation, she says she'll quickly try something new. “Find your passion and stick with it for as long as possible, because that's what makes you feel truly alive,” she says.
This article June/July Issue of luck The headline reads, “The Best Plan for Brain Health as We Age.”
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