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9 little-known harmful effects of tobacco addiction

9 little-known harmful effects of tobacco addiction


Harmful Effects of Tobacco Addiction

Tobacco addiction is on the rise, with more and more outpatients visiting the hospital each year due to chewing or inhaling tobacco. Tobacco addictionTobacco addiction is well known for causing lung disease, asthma and breathing problems. However, tobacco addiction also has lesser known harmful effects and side effects that go beyond just mental and physical health. When a patient is diagnosed with tobacco addiction, it can have a huge impact on their financial situation and have a social impact on the family as a whole.
So, while most people are aware of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes or bidi smoking on the lungs, when it comes to tobacco, it can affect other organs as well.

The little-known dangers of tobacco addiction

Diabetes: Smoking inhibits insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of developing diabetes, and may worsen existing diabetes. DiabetesIt becomes more difficult to manage.
cancerAccording to Dr Puneet Khanna, Chief Physician, Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine, Manipal Hospitals, Dwarka, New Delhi, “The carcinogens present in tobacco can damage cells in different parts of the body and lead to cancer growth. It increases the risk of various cancers, not just lung but also oral cancer.”

Smoking (5)

Skin conditions: Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin, causing premature aging and wrinkling. It can also worsen skin conditions. It may lead to other dermatological problems.
tooth decay Tooth loss: Toxic substances in tobacco increase the risk of cavities and tooth erosion, which can lead to gum disease and ultimately tooth loss.

Staining and Bad Breath: Tobacco contributes to the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can also stain your teeth and cause lasting bad breath.
Harm to the esophagus and digestive system: Chewing tobacco can cause esophagitis and increase the risk of esophageal cancer. It can also lead to stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems, compromising your digestive process and overall intestinal health.
Psychosocial dependence: Long-term smoking can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. You may also experience mood swings and irritability.

Restlessness: Dependence on nicotine can cause restlessness and agitation, especially if you are unable to smoke a cigarette.
Challenges of quitting: Because tobacco is highly addictive, counseling alone is often not enough to overcome tobacco addiction.
Tobacco addiction is very difficult to break, so you may need medical help, counselling and nicotine replacement therapy to help you break from tobacco addiction. Overall, tobacco is a highly addictive and extremely dangerous substance and it takes real will and expert guidance to break from this addiction.

Good habits that can help you stay away from tobacco addiction




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