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Statins may help prevent certain cancers

Statins may help prevent certain cancers


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Statins may do more than just lower cholesterol. luza studios/Getty Images
  • Scientists believe that statins, inexpensive cholesterol-lowering drugs, could potentially be used to prevent cancer.
  • Statins have anti-inflammatory properties and could potentially be used to target cancers associated with chronic inflammation.
  • The research is still in its early stages and has not yet been tested in humans.

Statins, cheap and widely available cholesterol-lowering drugs, have been used to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease for decades, but could they also help prevent cancer?

The answer lies in its anti-inflammatory properties. StatinsStatins are not the only drugs prescribed to lower cholesterol. Statins are pleiotropic drugs, meaning they affect the body beyond their primary indication. Today, statins have Anti-inflammatory effects.

Cardiovascular disease and certain cancers Chronic inflammationIt is therefore reasonable to assume that statins may be effective in treating both of these diseases by modulating the body's inflammatory response.

In the new study, Published in Nature CommunicationsScientists have identified biological mechanisms linking chronic inflammation to various cancers, particularly pancreatic cancer, and in a groundbreaking discovery, they may have also found ways to suppress the inflammatory response. Pitavastatingeneric statin drugs.

“For the last 10 years, we've been trying to understand the mechanisms that initiate the development of what we call chronic inflammation that tends to cause cancer in patients…We've now actually elucidated that an immune factor cytokine called interleukin 33 (IL-33) is an initiator of chronic inflammation that causes cancer.” Shawn Demery, MD, PhD “The study is based on a hypothesis that the dermatologist may be able to determine whether the condition is caused by a genetic mutation,” said lead study author David Schneider, associate professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, told Healthline.

“That led to the discovery that statins are very effective at preventing or inhibiting the expression of this cytokine,” he added.

The research is still in its early stages, but it's an intriguing proof of concept that warrants more rigorous study. It hasn't been tested in humans yet, but Demery is looking at that as the next step in his research.

If these findings are verified, it may be possible that statins may one day become cost-effective, safe and accessible cancer prevention drugs that work by suppressing chronic inflammation.

Demery's research is based on two claims: that there is a mechanism that leads to chronic inflammation that causes cancer, and that pitavastatin inhibits this mechanism.

The research team identified a specific immune system signaling pathway, Toll-like receptor (TLR)3/4-TBK1-IRF3, that is associated with chronic inflammation.

In healthy people, one function of this pathway is to induce the production of a protein called interleukin-33 (IL-33), which is part of the body's immune system response. IL-33 signals the body to produce other immune system cells when injury or infection occurs.

However, overproduction of IL-33 can lead to chronic inflammation, which persists in the body longer than an immune system response is needed. It causes a variety of symptoms that adversely affect health.

Researchers knew that by inhibiting this pathway, they could block a major cause of chronic inflammation.

The researchers then began testing a series of FDA-approved drugs in both mice and in the test-tube model to see if any would help. Among the drugs they tested, they found that pitavastatin was effective at inhibiting the signaling pathway.

“What we've found is a very potent inhibitor of this pathway, so if you're studying cancer in the context of chronic inflammation where this pathway is very active, inhibiting this pathway is a major advantage,” Demery said.

To confirm their findings, the researchers also included observational studies that looked at pancreatic cancer outcomes in patients who were prescribed pitavastatin and in a control group who were not.

Patients taking pitavastatin had a significant reduction in the risk of both chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.

“Statins reduce inflammation, which is related to their cholesterol-lowering effect. Reducing your cholesterol load also reduces inflammation. But it seems like statins reduce inflammation in some way, separate from their cholesterol-lowering effect.” Matthew Feinstein, MD “The study is a step toward establishing a safe and effective treatment for heart disease,” said Dr. Feinstein, an associate professor of cardiology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study.

Feinstein is an expert in the field of inflammation and heart disease and recently published the following editorial: Statins and inflammation.

He told Healthline that while there has been a lot of interest in the anti-inflammatory effects of statins, especially as they relate to cancer, it's difficult to draw firm conclusions.

“Overall, there is a lot of debate about whether statins are beneficial or harmful in cancer treatment. They may have some effect in certain subsets of cancers, but this is far from being proven on a large scale in humans,” he said.

Observational studies have shown that Statin users have lower breast cancer ratesIn other studies, statins Reduce the risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

But none of these associations have been rigorously confirmed in clinical trials, and the mechanism by which statins affect cancer outcomes is unclear — in Demery's study, it appears to be due to their anti-inflammatory effects, but that may not be the case in other cancers.

Feinstein is cautiously optimistic about the study, but cautions that it's too early to know whether statins' promise in cancer prevention will be realized.

“I think the general inflammation-reducing properties are pretty well documented systemically. But there are a lot of questions remaining about whether this actually has an effect in chemotherapy prevention,” he said.

Researchers believe that statins may play a role in preventing certain types of cancer that are associated with chronic inflammation.

Statins are widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs with demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties.

Despite the promising findings, the research is still in its very early stages and needs to undergo human trials to be validated.




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