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What Baby Boomers can do now to improve their brain health

What Baby Boomers can do now to improve their brain health
What Baby Boomers can do now to improve their brain health


By Theresa Carr

Adams County Senior Council

Administrative Assistant

Research suggests that Baby Boomers who act now could see improvements in their brain health. Baby Boomers often consider 50 to be the new 40. This is especially true in 2014, when the last members of the younger generation will hit the half-century milestone. But with the youngest Baby Boomers seeing unprecedented life expectancy growth to 78.7 years, it's more important than ever to adopt healthy habits to keep your mind healthy later in life.

The Beautiful Minds: Uncovering Lifelong Possibilities campaign, a partnership between the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA) and Life's DHA brand, identifies key lifestyle factors known as the “four dimensions of brain health” that positively impact brain health throughout the lifespan: diet and nutrition, physical health, mental health and social well-being.

Here are some tips to help maintain a healthy brain at any age.

Nourished Mind – While many important nutrients in the diet promote brain health, recent studies have shown a potential link between three key nutrients and a reduced risk of cognitive decline: DHA omega-3, Vitamin E and Lutein.

• It is found naturally in fatty fish such as salmon and trout, and also in DHA-fortified foods such as juice, milk, eggs, tortillas, yogurt, and algae DHA supplements.

• More than 90 percent of Americans don't get enough vitamin E from their food. Vitamin E is found in milk, butter, eggs, vegetable oils, nuts, whole grains, wheat germ, and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, and is also available as a supplement.

• Include dark green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, collards and turnip greens, or lutein superfoods like egg yolks, peas and corn in your diet.

· A physically active mind – Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day promotes new brain cells and brain connections. Take a walk at lunchtime, take the stairs instead of the elevator, join a club sports league or do something you enjoy outdoors.

• Getting enough sleep regularly and maintaining a healthy weight can also help improve brain health and minimize the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. And if you smoke, quit. Studies have shown that regular smokers are at higher risk of rapid cognitive decline and a higher risk of dementia and stroke than non-smokers.

Intellectually Active Minds – Research suggests that brain cells, like muscle cells, can grow bigger and stronger through cognitive challenge and stimulation. People who continually learn new activities and develop new skills and interests are exercising their brains in ways that help build connections in the brain and support brain function.

· The Socially Connected Mind – Evidence supports the idea that social connections are essential to health, wellness, and longevity. Experts theorize that having a rich social network may help support brain health in a variety of ways, including by providing better resources and stimulation.

• Stay socially connected and feel involved – at work, in clubs, with a network of friends, religious organizations, volunteer groups, etc. Seek out friends and family for the emotional support you need to manage stress.

A quick thought: “The most beautiful people in life aren't perfect. They're just accidents of nature with the ability to laugh at themselves and still be beautiful.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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