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It's allergy season: Here's what to expect and how to deal with it

It's allergy season: Here's what to expect and how to deal with it
It's allergy season: Here's what to expect and how to deal with it


If you take a walk outside these days, you'll notice that the area is becoming more and more green.

While most of us love the sight of grass and leaves and flowers, just hearing their names can make allergy sufferers sneeze—and some say this year is even worse than usual.

Dr. Colin Terpstra, an allergist and clinical immunologist based in Cambridge, Ontario, Morning Edition On what to expect this season.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Craig Norris: Are your allergies worse this season than they have been in the past?

Dr. Colin Terpstra: Allergies vary and it really depends on what the allergy is. Not everyone has the same allergies. We just finished birch season and we get our weekly reports. We have an atmospheric biology lab that gives us weekly reports and we can say for sure that this year's birch season was about 30% more than last year and about a week earlier. The birch season is starting to taper off and transition into oak season, but climate change is partly to blame.

We don't know exactly when winter starts and ends. The seasons are changing, so some pollen seasons may be more noticeable, others less. It's definitely changing.

CN: How does the weather affect allergy season?

CT: Mold can grow for a variety of reasons, so it's often overlooked as an allergy trigger, but when there's lots of rain, lots of decaying matter, and winters without freeze, mold grows faster — some people call this snow mold.

When temperatures become very extreme, certain trees and plants, especially grasses, release large amounts of pollen. This means that the release of more pollen and mold spores increases as temperatures become more extreme and last longer.

CN: What about where you live? Do you find that allergy sufferers have a harder time living in the countryside than in the city?

CT: This also varies and depends on the cause of the allergy. But in urban areas, many of the trees that are planted are male, so they don't produce fruit and the sidewalks get dirty. Male trees produce a lot of pollen. In urban areas, the situation is even worse because the conditions are right for these weeds to grow. So, although the situation is different in urban areas and in the countryside, having a lot of weeds in the fall can cause problems.

CN: Gardening season has officially begun. Are you still playing outside?

CT: It does vary a little bit throughout the day. It tends to be a little worse in the early morning. But from a treatment standpoint, there are a lot of good options over the counter. So you can always take a non-sedating antihistamine before you head out to work in the yard.

You want to enjoy the sunshine. And as an allergy sufferer, that's the worst thing you can do. You get sick when you go outside, and then you end up stuck inside and not really enjoying the nice weather. But don't take Benadryl. If you do anything at all with what I've said today, don't take Benadryl. But you can take a non-sedating antihistamine, one in the morning and one in the evening, and that's an over-the-counter nasal spray that you can use before you go outside, before you have any symptoms.

LISTEN | Listen to the full interview with Dr. Colin Terpstra:

Morning Edition – KW5:41Do you feel like your allergies have gotten worse this year? You're not alone

If you feel like you've been bothered by seasonal allergies more than usual this year, that might just be the case. Dr. Collin Terpstra, an allergist and clinical immunologist based in Cambridge, Ontario, explains why some years are worse than others for allergy sufferers.




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