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Young adults who remain obese for 10 years are at increased risk

Young adults who remain obese for 10 years are at increased risk


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Researchers say the heart health risks of obesity are greater for younger adults than for older adults. Aykut Callahan/Getty Images
  • Men under 65 and women under 50 who have had obesity or weight management problems for 10 years are at higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke, according to a new study.
  • The researchers reported that there was no increased risk associated with being overweight or obese in older adults, including women over 50 and men over 65.
  • Some experts say the obesity paradox — that extra weight has a protective effect in older people — may help explain why older people did not have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Men under 65 and women under 50 who are overweight or obesity For 10 years heart attack and strokenew study Presented at the Endocrine Society Annual Meeting End 2024.

The study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, but the researchers Nurses' Health Survey And that Health Professional Follow-up Survey.

They were asked about their BMI (BMI (average weight) More than 25. The research team also looked at records of heart attacks and strokes from 2000 to 2020. During the study period, there were 12,048 cardiovascular events.

Among women under 50 and men under 65 who had been obese for 10 years or more, the researchers reported:

  • The risk of heart attack and stroke increased by 25% to 60%.
  • No increased risk was seen in women over 50 years or men over 65 years.

Based on their findings, the researchers concluded that the earlier treatment is administered, Obesity treatmentand better cardiovascular health.

“Excess weight has detrimental effects if present for a long period of time.” Dr. Andrew Turchin“We're seeing a lot of changes in the way we treat cancer,” said the study's lead author, who is also quality control director for the department of endocrinology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Today's Medical News“Treating obesity early can prevent complications and improve patient outcomes. This information shows health professionals that timely intervention is key to preventing obesity complications. There are now more and more options available to help overweight and obese people lose weight. Health professionals should not waste their time offering these treatments to their patients.”

Dr. Sean HeffronA cardiologist at NYU Langone Health in New York, he studies the relationship between heart health and obesity.

“This is a very important topic and something I'm currently researching,” said Heffron, who was not involved in the study. Today's Medical News“Without reading the entire study, it's difficult to draw any definite conclusions. But if the overall burden of obesity is lower, people may be healthier overall and ageing without suffering from other medical conditions.”

in Overview In a paper published in 2023, Heffron and his colleagues explained how the severity and duration of obesity have different effects on health outcomes.

He elaborated on the condition and the impact obesity has on it.

  • High blood pressure – Severity of obesity has a bigger impact than duration
  • Type 2 diabetes – The duration of obesity has a greater impact than the degree of obesity
  • Dyslipidemia – Severity of obesity has a bigger impact than duration
  • Cardiovascular disease, all-cause mortality, AsCVDand Cardiomyopathy – Duration and severity are important

“this [new] This study looked at how obesity affects different age groups.” Dr. Michelle Weinberg“These findings suggest that the risk of heart disease is higher in older adults than in older adults,” said cardiologist at St. John's Health Center in Providence, California, who was not involved in the study. Today's Medical News“The intermediate group was at highest risk. The younger group had a lower disease burden due to a shorter duration of obesity. The older group saw some protective effect of excess weight. The intermediate group was a stark reminder that a high BMI can have adverse health effects.”

New research suggests that the risk of heart attack and stroke associated with obesity is lower in older people than in younger people.

this The obesity paradox This is a counterintuitive finding, suggesting that although overweight and obese people are at higher risk of developing heart disease, once they do develop heart disease, those with a higher BMI are less likely to die than those of average weight.

Various explanations have been proposed, including that once heart disease has developed, the extra fat somehow helps protect against further health problems and death, or that people who develop particularly serious chronic diseases often lose weight.

“Obesity has long been known to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. [current] The study is not surprising.” Dr. Chen Han ChenHe is an interventional cardiologist and medical director of the Structural Heart Program at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center in California.

Extra weight appears to act as a buffer for older adults.

“This study is consistent with other research showing that excess weight in later life may be protective against certain diseases,” said Chen, who was not involved in the study. Today's Medical News“It's well-observed that risk decreases with age. Older people with a higher BMI tend to have better cardiovascular disease symptoms. This may be an indication of robustness from the extra weight – they're not frail or sickly. It's not clear exactly why older people with extra weight are stronger and healthier.”

“But this study A heart-healthy lifestyle I tell my patients, American Heart Association 8 Things You Need to Know“This provides a roadmap for improving heart health, one of which is to maintain a healthy weight and follow healthy eating principles,” Chen added.




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