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What to know when buying sunglasses and sunscreen

What to know when buying sunglasses and sunscreen


UV rays from the sun can cause sunburn, aging, eye damage and cancer.

The FDA advises people to limit their time in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest. It also recommends wearing clothing that covers the skin, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats.

People with light skin, blonde, red, or light brown hair, people who have been treated for skin cancer, or people with a family history of skin cancer should be especially careful with sun exposure. Also, talk to your doctor if you are taking medications, as some medications can increase your sensitivity to the sun.

How to choose the right sunglasses

When sunlight reflects off sand, water, and even snow, your exposure to UV rays increases, increasing your risk of developing eye problems.

According to the FDAChoose sunglasses that have a UV400 rating or “100% UV protection” on the label. Sunglasses that meet these standards block over 99% of UVA and UVB radiation, providing maximum protection against UV rays.

Just because sunglasses are tinted doesn't mean they protect your eyes from UV rays. Tinted glasses dilate your pupils, increasing the likelihood of exposing your retina to UV rays. If your glasses don't have UV protection, you're at risk. Many light-tinted sunglasses offer just as much UV protection as very dark lenses.

Children should wear sunglasses with UV protection. Toy sunglasses may not offer UV protection. Consider purchasing larger, wrap-around style frames that can provide extra protection for your child.

If you're not sure if your sunglasses have UV protection, it's a good idea to have your eye doctor check – just because a pair of sunglasses is expensive doesn't necessarily mean they have UV protection.

The FDA recommends wearing quality sunglasses even when wearing UV-absorbing contact lenses.

How to choose the right sunscreen

The National Cancer Institute estimates that there will be 100,640 new cases of cutaneous melanoma and 8,290 related deaths in 2024. Sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer if used properly.

The FDA recommends that you only purchase sunscreens that meet the FDA's broad spectrum requirements, are labeled “broad spectrum,” and have an SPF of 15 or higher, even on cloudy days.

Sunscreens that are not broad spectrum, or that are broad spectrum but have an SPF less than 15, must print the following warning: “Skin Cancer/Skin Aging Warning: Exposure to sunlight increases your risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging. This product has only been shown to help prevent sunburn, not skin cancer or premature skin aging.”

Manufacturers aren't allowed to claim that their sunscreen is “waterproof” or “sweat-resistant.” The label should tell you how long it takes for the SPF level of protection to be felt while swimming or sweating; the FDA recommends 40 to 80 minutes.

Please be aware that many spray-on sunscreen products contain flammable ingredients, so always read and follow the label. Do not spray near open flames.

When applying sunscreen, apply it to all exposed skin, paying special attention to your nose, ears, neck, hands, feet, and lips. Reapply every two hours, more often if you swim or sweat. If you have little hair, apply it to the top or head, or wear a hat.

Some sunscreens have been recalled due to benzene contamination. To see if your sunscreen has been recalled.

—> Learn more about how to stay safe in the sun from the FDA.

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