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Antibody-peptide-inhibitor conjugates: a new avenue for cancer treatment

Antibody-peptide-inhibitor conjugates: a new avenue for cancer treatment


“Tumor cells often hijack normal physiological processes to promote their growth and exploit proteins that serve important cellular functions. It is therefore important to inhibit the activity of these proteins only in cancer cells, without affecting their vital roles in healthy tissues. For this reason, traditional approaches using small molecules that cause systemic inhibition in all cells in the body can cause serious side effects.”

Examples of essential proteins that are hijacked by cancer cells include cathepsins, a family of enzymes responsible for breaking down other proteins and rebuilding body tissues. Cathepsins have been implicated in a variety of cancers, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases. However, clinical trials with small molecule inhibitors of cathepsins have failed due to lack of efficacy or toxicity.

Now, a team of scientists led by Elisa Oricchio and Bruno Correia at EPFL has developed a new approach that overcomes these limitations: They created a modular drug platform that conjugates non-natural peptide inhibitors (NNPIs) with antibodies to create antibody-peptide-inhibitor conjugates (APICs). This method allows the inhibitors to be delivered specifically to cancer cells, reducing systemic side effects and improving the efficacy of treatment.

The researchers started by designing an NNPI that would covalently bind and inhibit cathepsins. They modified the peptide sequence to include a Michael acceptor, a chemical moiety that makes it easier to form a stable bond with cathepsins.

The Michael acceptor reacts with a cysteine ​​residue in the active site of cathepsins (the part of the enzyme that performs the main function) to form a stable covalent bond that effectively inhibits cathepsins. To further optimize the specificity and potency of their peptides, the team used saturation mutagenesis screening, a method in which each amino acid in a protein is systematically altered to find the optimal variant with the desired properties.

The researchers identified several potent inhibitors against four different cathepsins: cathepsin S, B, K, and L. By conjugating these inhibitors to antibodies that recognize CD22, CD79, HER2, and Siglec15, the researchers were able to precisely deliver the NNPI to lymphoma cells, breast cancer cells, and osteoclasts, leveraging the natural ability of antibodies to be internalized into target cells, directing the inhibitors exactly where they are needed.

Next, we put APIC to the test. In both cell lines and animal models, APIC showed remarkable therapeutic effects. For example, in a lymphoma model, treatment with APIC targeting cathepsin S shrank tumors and activated an immune response against cancer cells. In a breast cancer model, APIC targeting cathepsin B inhibited tumor invasion and cell migration, highlighting the potential of APIC to prevent metastasis.

By specifically delivering inhibitors to cancer cells, the APIC approach avoids or minimizes the side effects commonly seen with other treatments such as chemotherapy. Furthermore, the modular nature of the APIC design allows it to be tailored to target different proteases involved in different diseases, potentially revolutionizing the therapeutic landscape for diseases other than cancer.

The APIC project has now moved beyond the lab and taken its first steps towards clinical reality. “We have filed two patents based on this project,” says Elisa Oricchio. “Aaron Petruzzella, the PhD student who led the project, has recently been supported by an SNF Bridge Proof-of-Concept Fellowship to continue working on these inhibitors, laying the groundwork for a start-up and attracting the attention of potential investors.”




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