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Artificial sweetener xylitol and heart attack risk: What you need to know

Artificial sweetener xylitol and heart attack risk: What you need to know
Artificial sweetener xylitol and heart attack risk: What you need to know


Opened and unopened chewing gum sticks on a pink background.Share on Pinterest
A new report suggests that an artificial sweetener called xylitol may worsen certain heart conditions. Malte Mueller/Getty Images
  • A new report published June 6 suggests that xylitol may reduce the body's ability to clot.
  • Artificial sweeteners such as xylitol are often marketed as healthier alternatives to natural sugar, but growing evidence shows they can harm multiple organs in the body.
  • Xylitol is found in chewing gum, peanut butter, and some baked goods.

Xylitol is a zero-calorie sugar substitute used in processed foods such as peanut butter, gum, baked goods, and candy. Heart attacks and strokesThis was revealed in a new study.

of reportPublished in European Heart Journal A research paper published Thursday suggests that sweeteners may impair the body's ability to clot.

Xylitol has received approval. Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status — from the Food and Drug Administration, indicates that a substance is considered to be harmless.

Artificial sweeteners like xylitol are often marketed as a healthier alternative to natural sugar, but evidence This suggests that it may cause harm to multiple body systems.

“We hope this will serve as a call for new regulatory guidelines to improve labeling mandates and remove sugar substitutes like xylitol from GRAS status,” said the senior study author. Stanley HazenMD, PhD, Chair Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences “We're seeing a lot of people with heart disease getting older, and we're seeing a lot of people with heart disease getting older,” he told Healthline.

The researchers analyzed blood samples from more than 3,000 people who were being tested for heart disease.

Over a three-year period, people with the highest blood xylitol levels were found to have twice the risk of heart attack, stroke and death compared to those with the lowest levels.

The researchers also conducted in vivo, interventional and rodent studies to understand how xylitol affects cardiovascular function and found that the sweetener may affect platelet function.

Hazel said current evidence identifies an association between xylitol and cardiovascular events, but that there may be a causal relationship.

He suspects that there are receptors on platelets that react and interact with sugar alcohols like xylitol.

Platelets are a type of blood cell that have been described as playing an important role in clotting. Dr. Chen Han ChenHe is a board certified interventional cardiologist and medical director of the Structural Heart Program at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills, California.

These come together and “form a plug that seals the wound and prevents excessive bleeding,” he said.

New research suggests that xylitol may increase the stickiness of platelets in the bloodstream, increasing the risk of blood clots in the brain and heart, which could lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

A growing body of literature suggests that artificial sweeteners include another class of sugar alcohol sweeteners: Erythritolleads to a worsening of cardiovascular disease.

“Xylitol has not previously been shown to have this association, but this new study suggests that it may have a similar effect on the body.” Rigved Tadwalkar“These are the most common types of heart disease,” said Dr.

Further research is needed to better understand the effects of xylitol intake, especially at different doses, on cardiovascular function.

“It's important to remember that this is an observational study and does not conclusively prove that xylitol is directly causative. Cardiovascular problems” said Tadwalker.

Hazen said the findings highlight a potentially serious public health concern.

“The people who are most likely to be targeted by sugar substitutes are those with obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome – they are the most vulnerable,” he said.

By choosing what seem to be healthier options, people end up increasing their risk of cardiovascular disease, he says.

Chen's advice: Limit your use of xylitol.

“Until we understand more about the harmful effects of xylitol, it is best to avoid consuming large amounts of it,” Chen said.

Tad-Walker hopes the findings will encourage clinicians to have comprehensive conversations with their patients about the potential risks of xylitol.

“This knowledge can be used to tailor dietary advice to individual patients,” he said.

Consuming large amounts of xylitol, a zero-calorie sugar substitute found in processed foods such as peanut butter, gum, baked goods and candy, may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study has found. The new study suggests that the sweetener may inhibit platelet activity, increasing the risk of clotting that can lead to cardiovascular disease.




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