Why more young people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer and how to reduce your risk
One in nine bowel cancer patients in Australia is currently under 50 years old and early research suggests this may be linked to modern diet and lifestyles.
Once thought of as an “old person” disease – something to watch out for once you turned 50 – bowel cancer has emerged as the most deadly cancer for Australians aged 25-44.
One in nine people diagnosed with bowel cancer in Australia are under 50 years old, Data from the Australian Colon Cancer Society shows.
by Australian Association of General Practitioners; Global incidence rates have been rising for the past few decades. Of particular concern is the prevalence among younger generations, with a 266 percent increase in incidence among adolescents and young adults over the past 30 years.
Such a dramatic increase suggests that lifestyle, rather than genetic predisposition, may be the culprit, as researchers are slowly understanding how diet and lifestyle can cause such serious problems for the gut.
What is colon cancer?
Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, occurs when abnormal cells grow in the wall of the large intestine. Colon cancer can begin in the lining or mucosa of the colon wall, or from tumors called polyps in the colon wall. Polyps can turn into cancer cells and then spread to other parts of the body.
Colorectal cancer was previously thought to be a relatively slow-growing cancer, but in recent years, experts have observed that more aggressive forms of the disease are occurring more frequently in younger people.
What increases the risk of colon cancer?
Like many different types of cancer, colon cancer has a strong genetic component. A family history, especially a parental history, significantly increases your chances of developing colon cancer. But lifestyle is also a factor: being overweight or obese, low vitamin D levels, excessive alcohol consumption and type 2 diabetes all increase your risk.
From a dietary perspective, consuming large amounts of red meat and processed meats such as ham and bacon, which contain nitrates, can damage the intestinal lining, and the World Health Organization has highlighted these as foods that should be actively limited in the diet.
Update on diet and colorectal cancer risk
Eating enough fiber has a protective effect on gut health: when you eat enough fiber, waste products move through your digestive tract more efficiently, giving mutant cells less time to multiply and invade.
Researchers at Ohio State University noted that up to 70 percent of colorectal cancers in young people occur in the left side of the colon.
“In people over 50, colon cancer is equally likely to occur on the right or left side of the colon. This is because [of cancers in younger people] “It's part of the gut microbiome. There are different species present in different parts of the digestive system.” Matthew Caraday, a colorectal surgeon at Ohio State University, said.
At the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting this month, researchers from Ohio State found a link between low-fiber, high-carbohydrate diets in young patients with colorectal cancer.
The researchers stressed that the study is in its early stages, but said bacteria associated with these dietary patterns may cause inflammation in the digestive tract, increasing the risk of cancer cell growth.
ofNutrients journal Published data shows that more than 80% of Australians are not reaching the optimal daily intake of 30g of dietary fibre.
Are you getting enough fiber?
To get 30g of fibre, you would need to eat five servings of vegetables, two servings of fresh fruit and wholemeal bread or cereal. Takeaway breads and wraps are generally white or sourdough bread. Whole-grain bread Increasing your daily vegetable intake is one of the simplest ways to reduce your risk of developing colorectal cancer, regardless of age.
Signs and Symptoms
Paying more attention to what goes into and passes through your intestines is essential for preventing and treating colon cancer early. Most importantly, paying attention to changes in bowel habits.
Unexplained intestinal pain, weight loss, constipation, or diarrhea should prompt a thorough evaluation at any age. If detected early, colorectal cancer is one of the most curable diseases.
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