Wear Purple in June to Raise Awareness for Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month
Updated: June 10, 2024 2:23 PM ET
June is Brain Health Awareness Month. There are some steps you can take right now to strengthen your cognitive abilities. And joining me live this morning to share more is Sam Williams, Executive Director of Bright View Catonsville. Thank you for being here. Yes. I really appreciate you having me. So tell me about Bright View. Bright View has many locations, right? Yes. Bright View, Senior Living builds, owns and operates award-winning senior living communities on the East Coast. But we're based here in Baltimore. When it comes to memory, it takes a lot of work. So, yes. It's very important. And one of the best things about living with a bright perspective is that we offer dynamic programs that are focused on promoting brain health and enhancing memory. Diet plays a role in some of that, too. That's right. Diet is very important. You need to focus on nutrition. You need to consume foods that have nutrients like antioxidants, spices, leafy greens. You need fatty acids. Um, add in some brain-boosting foods like berries, walnuts, avocado, fish. If we start doing this now, we hope that it will help our brains as we get older. Yes, absolutely. In the long run. Well, you know, at BRIGHT VIEW, we offer our BRIGHT MINDS program, which is designed to help you create and maintain healthy lifestyle habits. So, what about activity? I know a lot of people love doing crossword puzzles. It keeps your mind active. Yeah, definitely. Well, social and mental engagement is super important. And honestly, just connecting with other people strengthens the connections in your brain. What? You found me? You found me having actual activities that can help strengthen those mind connections? Yeah. Number one, exercise is super important. In fact, one of our favorites at Bright View Catonsville is our SPICE IN MOTION exercise program. Well, it's well known to our residents who participate regularly. It reduces falls, it reduces hospitalizations, and it helps with mental clarity. You know, exercise increases blood flow and oxygen delivery, which is super good fuel for the brain. So it's super important to get some exercise in as well. Because the fear of falling can stop people from doing a lot of things. Right. It can be paralyzing. Okay. And the connection piece that you were talking about, let's talk a little bit about the role of having good vision and good hearing aids. Because if you're blind and deaf, you lose the ability to communicate with people. Right, that makes you withdrawn. Because you feel like it's not a cognitive issue. But if you can't hear, how do you relate to people? So it's really important that you talk to your doctor. Follow your doctor's instructions. And that includes medication management and instructions for hearing aids and vision testing and things like that. If you don't do certain things, you're either going to use your vision or lose it. Absolutely. It's really important to keep at it, make it a habit. Not a one-time thing. Not every once in a while. Make it a daily thing. Sam, thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. Really. Thanks for having me. And check the O.
Wear Purple in June to Raise Awareness for Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month
Updated: June 10, 2024 2:23 PM ET
If you see more people wearing purple around Baltimore this month, it might not be because of the Ravens. June is Brain Health Awareness Month, and purple is the official color for the fight against Alzheimer's. According to Samantha Williams, executive director of Brightview Catonsville, one way to improve brain health is to monitor what you eat. “Diet is very important. You need to pay special attention to nutrition,” Williams told WBAL-TV 11 News. “Incorporate foods that have nutrients like antioxidants, spices, leafy greens. If you want fatty acids, add in brain-boosting foods like berries, walnuts, avocados, fish.” In terms of activities outside of diet to boost brain health, Williams said social and mental engagement is key. “First, exercise is key. One of the things we like most at Brightview Catonsville is our SPICE in Motion Exercise program,” Williams said. “We know that among residents who attend regularly, there are fewer falls, fewer hospitalizations and greater mental clarity.” Good vision and hearing are also important for brain health, Williams said. Impaired vision and hearing can make it harder to interact with others. To raise awareness for the month, people who wear purple are asked to share photos with the hashtag #ENDALZ.
Baltimore —
If you see more people wearing purple around Baltimore this month, it might not be because of the Ravens: June is Brain Health Awareness Month, and purple is the official color of the fight to eradicate Alzheimer's disease.
One way to improve brain health is to monitor what you eat, according to Samantha Williams, executive director of BrightView Catonsville.
“Diet is very important. You really need to focus on nutrition,” Williams told WBAL-TV 11 News. “You need to eat foods that have nutrients like antioxidants, spices, leafy greens. You need fatty acids, and you need to eat brain-boosting foods like berries, walnuts, avocados, fish.”
When it comes to non-diet activities to boost brain health, Williams said social and mental activities are key.
“First, exercise is so important. One of our favorite programs at Brightview Catonsville is our SPICE in Motion Exercise program,” Williams says. “We've seen reduced falls, reduced hospitalizations, and improved mental clarity among our residents who regularly participate in the program.”
Good eyesight and hearing are also important for brain health, Williams said, and impaired eyesight and hearing can make it harder to interact with others.
Anyone wearing purple to raise awareness for the month is encouraged to share photos with the hashtag #ENDALZ.
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