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MRI and AI could drastically reduce diagnosis times for pediatric brain tumors

MRI and AI could drastically reduce diagnosis times for pediatric brain tumors


Children's brain tumors could be diagnosed with a 10-minute scan based on metabolic signature

Credit: University of Birmingham

Children with the most common malignant brain tumor could face shorter wait times for a diagnosis thanks to a new study testing a new, quicker, less invasive way to determine the type of tumor.

This study Electronic BiomedicineThe study was carried out by a team of researchers led by the Universities of Birmingham and Newcastle University, with Birmingham Children's Hospital as the lead clinical

The collaborative team identified four distinct groups of medulloblastoma, a type of malignant brain tumor in children, that have specific profiles based on their individual metabolism. They took cell samples from 86 tumors and used laboratory tests to precisely identify metabolic markers, including chemicals unique to the different tumor groups.

This study validated previous research that found that glutamate, a metabolite present throughout tumor cells, is closely associated with tumor prognosis.

Importantly, the study paves the way for the use of MRI scans combined with machine learning to assess the “signature” metabolic profile of medulloblastoma without the need for invasive biopsies, potentially rapidly shortening the waiting time, currently three to four weeks from the onset of symptoms to a full diagnosis.

Andrew Peat, emeritus professor of clinical paediatric oncology at the University of Birmingham and honorary consultant to Birmingham Women and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, lead author of the study, said: “Time is of the essence. Therefore, our findings on different types of medulloblastoma with detectable metabolic signatures could be a breakthrough in quickly diagnosing them and offering the best possible treatment to children.”

Professor Steve Clifford, Head of Molecular Paediatric Oncology at Newcastle University Cancer Centre, who co-led the study, said: “By using innovative scans and AI to provide rapid diagnosis,) Technology has the potential to revolutionize patient management, allowing earlier, non-invasive diagnosis, customizing treatment decisions, and reducing the period of uncertainty for patients and parents while waiting for a complete diagnosis.

“Moreover, our biological findings provide important new insights into the underlying metabolism of these tumors and the potential to exploit it therapeutically.”

This latest research finding could be a game-changer for children like Jack Vaughn, a six-year-old from Birmingham, who was diagnosed with medulloblastoma in March 2023.

Jack's dad, Tom, said: “We underwent 13 months of treatment, six weeks of which was just waiting to find out what type of tumour Jack had. We were really scared.”

Within a few weeks of starting school, Jack began feeling unwell and had headaches, and doctors suggested he might have separation anxiety or dizziness. But his parents, Tom and Susanna, noticed he was having trouble walking. Jack was referred to Birmingham Children's Hospital the same day.

“When we were told the results of the MRI scan, we didn't know how to feel,” Tom says. “While we were trying to make sense of it all, they asked us to sign a consent form because they wanted to operate first thing the next morning. As I read the paperwork, all I could see was that he may not survive. It's really heartbreaking.”

Jack survived a 10-hour operation to remove the tumour, but it would take more than four weeks for doctors to identify the type of medulloblastoma he had before he could be given effective treatment.

“The research used to diagnose tumours is really important,” says Tom. “In Jack's case, it took a long time to send the tumour to Great Ormond Street Hospital for analysis. In the meantime, Jack wanted to do something rather than wait, so he had chemotherapy first. But you want your child to have the best treatment from the start.”

Improving outcomes for all children

Christiana Ogunbote, head of research at Childhood Cancer Research UK, said: “We're incredibly proud to be funding this groundbreaking medulloblastoma research and look forward to seeing how it will transform the experiences of children diagnosed with the disease and their families.”

“Discovering new ways to improve outcomes for children with cancer is at the heart of our mission. Through continued and sustained investment in research, we hope to one day see all children survive a cancer diagnosis.”

Dr Laura Danielson, Children and Young People Research Lead at Cancer Research UK, said: “Developing faster, less invasive ways to accurately diagnose different types of medulloblastoma – the most common malignant brain tumour in children – is an important step towards improving outcomes for young patients.”

“This important study has identified a new way to distinguish between four subgroups of medulloblastoma. This discovery paves the way for the development of a simple imaging test that can quickly and accurately diagnose the different types of medulloblastoma. .

“This type of discovery research is important to drive new and improved ways to better detect and treat cancers that affect children and young people.”

For more information:
Sarah Kohe et al, Metabolic profiling of medulloblastoma for rapid and non-invasive detection of molecular disease complexes, Electronic Biomedicine (2024). Abstract: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104958

Quote: MRI and AI could significantly reduce diagnosis time for pediatric brain tumors (June 10, 2024) Retrieved June 10, 2024 from

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