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Las Vegas mother shares story of early-stage cancer as rates rise for under-50s

Las Vegas mother shares story of early-stage cancer as rates rise for under-50s


Las Vegas (class) —Studies have shown that cancer rates are increasing in people under the age of 50, while rates are decreasing among older people.

Early-stage cancer develops between the ages of 18 and 49, making most people too young to get the recommended preventive screening, but that's now changing, and a Las Vegas oncologist said it's still doctors' best bet for now.

“She's the joy of my life,” Sandra Zimmerman said of her 1-year-old daughter. “She's my dream of being a mother.”

Zimmerman hoped and waited, and finally gave birth to Sophie through IVF – but just two months later, she was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer.

“I just started crying,” she said.

Zimmerman, 41, a working single mother, said it was something she never expected.

“I just want to be there for all of her firsts and milestones,” Zimmerman said, “and I don't want to miss anything.”

Zimmerman is part of a growing number of women and men suffering from early-onset cancer. A study published in the journal BMJ Oncology uncovered some sobering numbers: Early-onset cancer in people under 50 increased by nearly 80% between 1990 and 2019.

The cancers with the highest incidence rates are breast cancer (13.7 per 100,000 people) and colorectal cancer (5.7 per 100,000 people).

“For the most part, we don't know exactly what causes it,” says Dr. Stefanie Christensen, Sandra's oncologist at the Nevada Comprehensive Cancer Center. “We can guess: Is it diet? Is it processed foods? Is it microplastics in the environment or other chemicals we're exposed to? Is it obesity or a sedentary lifestyle? Or a combination of all of these?”

“[Sandra] “The type of breast cancer was estrogen receptor positive and HER2 receptor positive,” Dr. Christensen explained.

Sandra underwent six cycles of chemotherapy, wearing a cooling cap to preserve her hair, followed by a mastectomy and radiation, then had her ovaries removed, which led to early menopause.

“It has estrogen receptors, which means estrogen is feeding the tumor,” Dr. Christensen explained, “so we want to cut off that supply of nutrients to the tumor.”

Zimmerman said with no family history of breast cancer, she couldn't help but wonder if IVF treatments played a role.

“I was given high doses of progesterone and estrogen every day for 10 weeks,” she said.

But, she said, that wouldn't change anything.

Of Sophie, she said: “Her little smile and her little sniffle and her little giggle are what keep me going and keep me going.”

“It's the best thing that could have happened to me,” she added. “I have no regrets at all.”

While researchers are trying to pinpoint the causes of the sudden rise in cancer rates among younger people, Dr. Christensen said early detection is making a difference.

“Cancer cure rates are actually improving,” Dr. Christensen said.

Zimmerman's message to women: “Get your mammograms. Stay on top of it.”

Dr. Christensen said the rise in cancer diagnoses is certainly due in part to increased screening, and agreed with research that while there is no definitive cause, genetics, poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise all play a role.

Thanks to these new studies, the ages for preventive screening have since been lowered: women are now recommended to start having mammograms starting at age 40, and colorectal cancer screening is recommended starting at age 45 instead of 50.




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