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How moderate exercise and adequate sleep can help

How moderate exercise and adequate sleep can help


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  • Researchers report that vigorous physical activity accounts for just 4% of adults' waking hours, while sedentary behavior accounts for 60%.
  • It is said that even light exercise can increase the chances of healthy aging.
  • Getting enough sleep may also improve aging and longevity, the researchers add.

Getting enough sleep and engaging in moderate to vigorous exercise may contribute to healthy aging, according to the study. study Published in the journal today JAMA Network Open.

While the study's recommendations may sound like common sense, the research adds weight to the idea that combining exercise with good quality sleep can help people live longer, healthier lives as they get older.

The study authors said more intense physical activity is associated with an increased chance of healthy aging.

They added that there is an inverted U-shaped correlation between sleep duration and healthy ageing, with those getting seven hours of sleep each night being most likely to age healthily.

However, in modern society, vigorous physical activity accounts for only around 4% of adults' waking hours, whereas sedentary behaviour accounts for around 60% of adults' waking hours and has increased significantly over time, the researchers warn.

This ongoing cohort study included 45,176 women. Nurses' Health SurveyIt began in 1976 and is funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The study looked at nurses aged 50 and over who had no serious chronic diseases in 1992. Scientists followed them for 20 years and analyzed data from January to May 2022.

The scientists defined healthy aging as living to at least age 70 while maintaining four domains of health: mental health, physical functioning, absence of major chronic diseases, and no subjective memory impairment.

The researchers used an isochronal (within the same time frame) substitution model to assess the potential impact on healthy aging of replacing one hour of one behavior with an equivalent duration of another behavior.

The mean age of the subjects was 59 years, with a range of 50 to 72 years.

Over the 20-year follow-up, 3,873 women (8%) achieved healthy aging. By age 50, the baseline was 18%. By age 55, it was 9%, by age 60, 4%, and by age 65, it was less than 1%.

Of the women who met the four domains of healthy ageing, 18,696 (41%) were free of 11 chronic conditions, 7,250 (16%) had no impairments in physical functioning, 19,937 (44%) had no mental health limitations, and 23,465 (52%) had no impairments in memory functioning.

The study found that sedentary behavior reduces the chances of healthy aging, while light physical activity increases the chances of healthy aging.

The researchers reported that participants who replaced television time with light exercise, participated in moderate to vigorous exercise, or got at least seven hours of sleep were all associated with increased odds of healthy aging.

The researchers concluded that sedentary behavior, especially prolonged television viewing, is associated with a reduced likelihood of healthy aging.

In comparison, light physical activity was associated with significantly higher odds of healthy aging, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was associated with an even higher odds of achieving healthy aging.

“These findings complement previous evidence on the association between these behaviors and mortality and provide important evidence for promoting active lifestyles to achieve optimal health in older age,” the study authors wrote.

The researchers noted that aging is a major public health issue.

actual, Ten% 10% of the world's population is over 65 years old. This figure is expected to reach 16% by 2050.

The study authors said aging is typically accompanied by declining health, including cognitive decline, chronic diseases, mental disorders and limitations in physical function.

They said the effects of aging pose a “significant burden on individuals, families and society” and that “approaches to achieve healthy aging, commonly defined as the absence of disease and physical, mental and cognitive well-being, are urgently needed.”

The authors, 10% to 35% of older adults By enabling healthy aging and identifying modifiable behaviors, we can increase that percentage.

Ryan Glatt“The more you exercise, the more likely you are to develop a strong brain,” said CPT, senior brain health coach and director of the FitBrain program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in California. Today's Medical News This study means that, particularly for older people, increasing physical activity and reducing sitting time can improve certain aspects of health and quality of life.

“To improve sleep and get started on exercise, maintain a regular sleep schedule and relaxing pre-bedtime routine,” said Glatt, who was not involved in the study. “Make sure your sleep environment is cool, dark and quiet, and limit screen time before bed.”

“When it comes to exercise, try to incorporate aerobic, strength training, neurological, mind-body, and/or more physical activity,” he adds. “All of these modalities offer shared and unique health benefits and may also help improve sleep. More relaxing modalities that incorporate breathing and stretching, such as yoga or tai chi, may be helpful before sleep.”

Dr. Neil Paulvin “It's a big step,” said the New York City anti-aging and longevity physician. Today's Medical News Combining adequate sleep with moderate exercise has many benefits.

“Sleep helps with aging in many ways, including improving memory, improving heart health, improving blood sugar control and reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease,” said Paulvin, who was not involved in the study. “Exercise is really important in aging because of the production of myokines. Exercise has a variety of benefits, including preserving cognitive performance, reducing inflammation, building muscle that's important for longevity, improving insulin sensitivity, lowering blood pressure, and more.”

Justin Rush I am an account coordinator Centerwell Senior Primary Care In Las Vegas he said Today's Medical News CenterWell doctors encourage people to stay active, stay connected with others, eat a healthy diet and seek professional help for sleep issues.

“Regular exercise is a great way to improve sleep,” says Rush, who was not involved in the study. “Activities that increase your heart rate and oxygen levels release endorphins, which help regulate sleep patterns and improve your overall mood. Mind-body exercise like yoga or tai chi can also be very effective at relaxing you and improving your sleep.”

Rush also said doctors at the facility advise patients that having strong social connections can lead to better mental health and help them get better sleep.

“Staying connected to family, friends and the community, whether that's by calling or Zooming with friends or participating in local activities, can promote a sense of well-being that supports better sleep,” he said.




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