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Will I be traveling during the school holidays? When should I get my COVID-19 booster for maximum protection?

Will I be traveling during the school holidays? When should I get my COVID-19 booster for maximum protection?


With school holidays fast approaching, some people may be heading out on interstate trips, trips to Europe or even to the popular tourist destination of Bali.

You may also be wondering whether you need a COVID-19 booster shot as an extra layer of protection.

While it's not required, experts say travelers should keep their COVID-19 booster vaccinations up to date because they are more likely to be exposed to the virus.

Learn how long it takes for a booster shot to provide maximum protection and who is eligible to get a booster shot.

When should I get a COVID-19 booster vaccination before traveling?

Jane Florey, an associate professor of public health at the University of Technology Sydney, said: Booster vaccination 2 weeks before Your holiday.

“It takes up to 14 days for the vaccine to become effective,” Dr Florey told the ABC.

“By getting the booster vaccine, your chances of contracting COVID-19 will be significantly reduced, and if you do become infected, most people will experience mild symptoms.”

Why do I need to get a booster shot?

because Traveling is a high-risk activity.

“Some people may not feel they are at high enough risk to get a booster shot,” infectious diseases doctor Paul Griffin from the University of Queensland told the ABC.

“But we want people to understand the risks of travel and the impacts if they get sick while trying to have fun elsewhere.”

Dr. Flory says it's important to remember that travel often involves crowded and poorly ventilated environments, including airports, planes, cruise ships, trains, buses and hotels.

This is where the exposure is at its maximum.

People walking through a crowded airport

Traveling may increase your risk of contracting an infectious disease.(ABC Gold Coast: Heidi Sheehan)

How long does a COVID-19 booster last?

That's difficult to judge.

“It depends on several factors, including how often you've been vaccinated, how long it's been since your last vaccination, and your own immune system,” Dr. Griffin said.

“Another factor that affects vaccine efficacy is when the virus changes, so it can be difficult to know exactly how long protective effects will last.”

“But what we do know is that protection decreases over time, but it doesn't go to zero immediately.”

This is why the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) says Most adults (People without severe immunodeficiency) You can consider getting a booster shot every 12 months.

Who is eligible for the COVID-19 booster vaccination?

It's your Year and You are at higher risk Of severe COVID-19.

Below are recommended booster doses: Ministry of Public Health:

To check your eligibility, COVID-19 Booster Tool.

But as always, the best advice is to discuss your vaccine options with your doctor.

Which booster should I get? Does it have to be the same one as my last one?

In Australia, A type of vaccine — mRNA — There are two different manufacturers.

Dr. Griffin said people who need a booster shot are The monovalent XBB 1.5 vaccine should be administered. Use mRNA.

“Over the course of the pandemic, we have had multiple vaccines targeting different variants, the original Wuhan strain, bivalent and monovalent.

“However, from the end of last year until now, only one vaccine has been available: the monovalent XBB 1.5 vaccine, which targets the Omicron variant.”

ATAGI also stated that vaccines containing XBB.1.5 are preferred over other COVID-19 vaccines.

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