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Dengue fever surges in Europe, blamed on spread of Asian tiger mosquitoes

Dengue fever surges in Europe, blamed on spread of Asian tiger mosquitoes


by Philippa Roxby, Health Reporter

Getty Images Asian Tiger MosquitoGetty Images

Mosquitoes can spread diseases from person to person and place to place

The invasive mosquito species has been found in 13 EU countries, including France, Spain and Greece, and experts believe the discovery is linked to a rise in dengue fever in Europe.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said climate change was creating favourable conditions for the spread of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.

Authorities are monitoring and trapping the insects as far north as Paris, where the Olympics will be held at the end of July.

The ECDC warned that international travel poses a greater risk of the virus spreading in Europe.

The ministry has advised people to remove standing water from gardens and balconies where mosquitoes can breed, and to use insect repellent and mosquito nets at night.

Getty Images A man hunts down invasive mosquitoes near the Stade de France in Paris on May 28.Getty Images

Searching for invasive mosquitoes near the Stade de France in Paris


Mosquito threats have increased in Europe over the past 20 years.

Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictusConsidered to be the world's most invasive mosquito species, it has now spread across Europe from its “base” in southern Europe.

According to the ECDC, it is well established in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.

It has also been recorded in Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Slovakia.

The Asian tiger mosquito transmits the following diseases: Dengue fever, Chikungunya fever and Zika virus Until recently, they were found only in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

Another mosquito, Egyptian templeTicks that carry yellow fever and other diseases have become established on the island of Cyprus, where experts say their penchant for biting humans and their ability to transmit disease are “worrisome” and could spread to other parts of Europe.

Asian tiger mosquitoes are spreading further north into Europe

Dengue fever begins with flu-like symptoms but can become severe and even fatal.

In recent years, outbreaks have been increasing: last year, eight clusters were recorded in France, four in Italy and two in Spain.

Most of Europe's cases are imported, reflecting international people and trade movements, and the number of imported cases has soared to around 5,000 last year.

But community transmission is also on the rise, with 130 cases in 2023, up from 71 the previous year.

West Nile virus, also transmitted by mosquitoes, is now occurring in more parts of Europe than ever before.

The ECDC said one person was reported to have been infected with the virus in southern Spain in early March, highlighting how weather conditions are creating a suitable environment for mosquitoes even “very early in the year”.

Getty Images A person spraying mosquito repellent on their skinGetty Images

It is recommended to use mosquito repellent to prevent mosquito bites.

“We are already seeing in Europe that climate change is creating favourable conditions for non-native mosquito species to spread to previously unaffected areas and transmit diseases such as dengue to many more people,” said Andrea Amon, director of the ECDC.

“Increased international travel from dengue-endemic countries will increase the risk of imported infection and, inevitably, the risk of domestic spread.”

Ammon advised people to take “personal protective measures”, adding that “early detection of cases, timely surveillance, further research and awareness-raising activities are of paramount importance in the highest-risk areas in Europe.”

Getty Images Mosquito monitoring and trapping in Paris ahead of the OlympicsGetty Images

Mosquito monitoring and trapping in Paris ahead of the Olympics

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dengue fever is endemic in more than 100 countries around the world, with more than six million reported cases and 7,000 deaths last year.

The largest number of cases occur in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Malaria is the deadliest mosquito-borne disease on earth. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female mosquitoes called Plasmodium falciparum. Anopheles mosquitoIt has also been found in Europe.

There are fears that if conditions are right, there could be a sharp increase in malaria cases on the African continent in the future.




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