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Meningitis: Cases of deadly bacterial disease on the rise in Ontario, Manitoba

Meningitis: Cases of deadly bacterial disease on the rise in Ontario, Manitoba


Public health officials in three provinces have issued warnings this year about a rare bacterial infection that can cause meningitis and death, with Ontario and Manitoba seeing a recent rise in cases and the latest warning coming from Toronto.

“The onset of symptoms can be so rapid that by the time they get to the hospital, they're already very ill,” pediatrician and infectious disease specialist Dr. James Kellner told CTV News. “They can go from fine to really ill in less than a day.”

Toronto Public Health has recorded just 13 cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) so far in 2024, more cases than any other year since 2002. Two of Toronto's recent cases have been fatal, with one adult and one child dying.

“This is a big increase compared to normal,” Kellner said from Calgary.

Up to 10% of cases are fatal, According to Health CanadaMeanwhile, 10 to 20 percent of survivors suffer life-changing aftereffects, including hearing loss, neurological disorders and amputations. Earlier this year, public health officials said: Manitoba, Kingston, OntarioQuebec's Eastern Townships.

“While Ontario and Manitoba have recently reported increased IMD activity, preliminary data from the National Microbiology Laboratory suggests that nationally, the number of IMD cases has not increased compared to the previous year,” a spokesperson for the Public Health Agency of Canada told

Across borders AmericaMore than 140 cases have been recorded so far in 2024. The disease is found worldwide, but is most prevalent in the so-called “meningitis belt” of sub-Saharan Africa.

Toronto Public Health is encouraging people to get vaccinated, especially those travelling to the Hajj in Saudi Arabia and attending Pride events both locally and internationally.

“Transmission can occur during mass gatherings and it is also possible that transmission can occur during travel,” Toronto Public Health said. June 7th warning“We strongly encourage people to contact their health care provider to get the meningococcal vaccination as soon as possible.”

What is invasive meningococcal disease?

Invasive meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection that can cause a dangerous inflammation of the brain and spinal cord known as meningitis, and in severe cases, can lead to bloodstream infections and sepsis, which can lead to amputations and death.

Early symptoms include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity, stiff neck, and later a dark purple rash. Anyone with symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.

“It's certainly here and it's spreading in our city,” Dr. Vinita Dubey, Toronto's associate medical officer of health, told CTV News. “It's fast-growing, even though it can be treated with antibiotics. [of] It's caused by bacteria and spreads so quickly that antibiotics are ineffective, which is why prevention is so important.”

The disease is preventable by a vaccine, which is often given free to 12-month-olds and 7-year-olds. However, not all strains are covered, and not everyone is vaccinated. If not covered by the free vaccine, adults without private insurance are at increased risk of developing the disease. $160 per session.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, there were approximately 115 cases per year between 2010 and 2021. Cases are most common in the winter and spring, affecting less than one per 100,000 people in Canada. The disease can affect people of any age, but it is most common in children under five and unvaccinated teens and young adults. The Public Health Agency of Canada urges people to avoid sharing utensils, water bottles, and other items that may transfer saliva or mucus.

“Health Canada is closely monitoring invasive meningococcal disease and works closely with federal, provincial and local health agencies to ensure the health and safety of Canadians,” a ministry spokesperson said in an email. “Anyone experiencing symptoms of invasive meningococcal disease should seek immediate medical attention.”

With files from CTV Toronto and The Associated Press




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