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New Data Shows HPV Vaccine Reduces Cancer Risk for Everyone, Not Just Women

New Data Shows HPV Vaccine Reduces Cancer Risk for Everyone, Not Just Women



One of the big headlines from a recent major scientific conference was that the HPV vaccine not only prevents cervical cancer, but also reduces the risk of several other cancers and precancerous lesions.

Researchers reported that they followed 1.7 million women and men who received the HPV vaccine as children or young adults between 2010 and 2023.

It was already known that the HPV vaccine can potentially prevent more than 90% of HPV-related cancers in women – most commonly cervical cancer – and scientists have now found that it could also reduce the risk of all HPV-related cancers in men, including head and neck cancer, by 50%.

From the data Latest groundbreaking research The study, presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting, is the first to show a significant benefit for men in preventing oropharyngeal cancer (of the throat, tonsils and back of the tongue) for which no test exists.

The national goal is to have 80% of teenagers vaccinated against HPV by 2030. But currently, just under 63% of 13- to 17-year-olds in the United States have received the vaccine. In New York state, the rate is slightly higher, at 69%.

What is the HPV vaccine? Who should get it? What is being done to address vaccination challenges?

Cynthia Land, MD, MPHDirector of General Pediatrics UR Medicine's Golisano Children's Hospital and Wilmot Cancer Instituteis studying ways to strengthen vaccinations. In 2023, the National Cancer Institute awarded RAND $2.3 million for research into HPV vaccine administration.

Photo of Cynthia Rand, MD

Cynthia Rand, MD

“We need to spread the word about this vaccine,” Rand said. “It's very effective, it's very safe, and it prevents cancer.”

What is the HPV vaccine?

The vaccine protects against several HPV subtypes, including HPV-16 and HPV-18. Causes 70% of cervical cancers Cancer may also develop around the genitals and, rarely, in the throat or tongue.

The vaccine, known as Gardasil 9, is a two- or three-dose injection that all children can receive. It's most effective when given before exposure to HPV infection, so doctors recommend starting vaccinations before you reach your teenage years.

Australia has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, vaccinating children through public health services and schools, Ms Rand said, adding that “Australia is well on its way to eliminating cervical cancer”.

Scientists at the University of Rochester For making important research contributions to pioneering vaccine developmentIt was first recommended for women in 2006 and for men in 2010.

Why should young children receive the HPV vaccine?

The answer is simple: the younger you are, the better your immune response is. When a child's body makes antibodies against HPV infection, they have the strongest, long-lasting defense.

of American Academy of Pediatrics Vaccination is recommended starting between the ages of 9 and 12.

But some doctors and parents have concerns about talking to young children about sex in relation to the vaccine. Intimate skin-to-skin contact spreads HPV infections. For that and other reasons, many children are getting vaccinated between the ages of 13 and 17.

However, if you already have HPV infection, the vaccine is less effective.

“We found that focusing on the cancer prevention message took the age debate away,” Rand says, “and we really want people to get vaccinated before they even think about having sex.”

Can late teens and young adults benefit from the HPV vaccine?

Sexually active people in their teens and twenties can transmit HPV infection. Most people become infected with HPV during that time, but many don't have symptoms and may not know they're infected. Relatively few develop cancer.

Researchers are studying the vaccine's effectiveness in people up to 45 years old, and so far it appears to be beneficial for some people.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends that anyone up to age 26 who has not previously been vaccinated should get vaccinated. Adults between the ages of 27 and 45 should discuss vaccination with their doctor, as certain groups may be more likely to benefit from vaccination than others. learn more.

Why are HPV vaccination rates lower than expected?

RAND said vaccine hesitancy in the U.S. is a problem despite compelling evidence that the HPV vaccine is safe and effective.

According to the RAND Corporation, factors that have contributed to declining vaccination rates in recent years include:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decrease in visits to health care facilities for routine services, including childhood vaccinations.
  • Misinformation about the COVID vaccine has also circulated to other vaccines.
  • Some people lack trust in their health care providers; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Despite the time lag required to study the incidence and outcomes of HPV-related cancers, researchers are able to compare pre-vaccination data with more recent data, and Rand says that when they do, HPV infection rates have dropped dramatically among vaccinated young women, and scientists are seeing a decline in HPV-related pre-cancers as well.

How to increase HPV vaccination

To better understand the disorder from the perspective of health care providers, Rand and her research team interviewed 20 people working in pediatric and family medicine clinics and surveyed 150 questionnaires distributed across Rochester and 16 counties in central and western New York state.

For example, they learned:

  • It is important to clearly define vaccine advocates in primary care offices.
  • Vaccination reminders via electronic medical records may be helpful.
  • The most effective solution is for your child’s doctor to provide a routine order for the HPV vaccine, just as they do for the flu vaccine, so that a nurse can administer it when your child comes in for other vaccinations required at school.
  • Being understaffed or too busy can be an obstacle to doing something new.

Starting in December 2024, Rand said, his group plans to begin testing interventions aimed at improving vaccination rates, including the use of canned instructions and training modules to help health care providers communicate with patients about the HPV vaccine and answer questions from patients and families.

“There is work to be done, but generally, primary care physicians, nurses and staff are eager to increase vaccination rates,” Rand said.




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