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The Planetary Health Diet May Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life

The Planetary Health Diet May Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life


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A new study suggests that the Planetary Health Diet could help reduce the risk of premature death from all major causes, including cancer, heart disease and lung disease. Jonny Greig/Getty Images
  • A large-scale study found that adhering to the Planetary Health Diet reduced the risk of premature death by 30%.
  • The impact on the environment is also significantly reduced.
  • According to experts, this eating pattern provides the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally.
  • To follow this eating pattern, your diet should include a lot of plant-based protein and moderate amounts of meat and dairy products.

Looking for a way to improve your health and reduce your carbon footprint? New research finds that a Planetary Health Diet is linked to a lower risk of premature death and a lower impact on the environment.

a study A study led by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published this week found that people who adhered most closely to the Planetary Health Diet had a 30% lower risk of premature death compared to those who adhered least closely.

All major causes of death, including cancer, Heart diseaseThe risks of heart disease, lung disease, and other conditions were lower the more closely participants adhered to this dietary pattern.

Additionally, diets following the Planetary Health Diet Pattern have significantly reduced environmental impacts, including a 29% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a 51% reduction in land use.

The large-scale study assessed health data from more than 200,000 participants, who completed dietary questionnaires every four years for up to 34 years.

Their diets were scored based on their intake of 15 food groups, including whole grains, vegetables, poultry and nuts, to quantify their adherence to the Planetary Health Diet.

Nutritionist GQ JordanResearchers not involved in the study say the findings fit well with what we know about the power of whole foods in our diets.

“It's encouraging to see quantitative data that supports the idea that what's good for us is also good for the planet,” she points out.

The Planetary Health Diet focuses on increasing fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains in your diet while limiting meat and dairy products to moderate amounts and minimizing processed foods.

“It's about balancing our nutritional needs with environmental sustainability,” Jordan speculates.

With particular focus on human health, the Planetary Health Diet appears to offer many benefits.

“Adopting eating habits consistent with the Planetary Health Diet will improve your metabolic health and significantly reduce your risk of premature death,” Jordan explains.

“This diet is high in nutritious, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, which provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help the body function optimally,” she says.

These nutrients help regulate blood sugar levels, Improves cholesterol levels,maintain Healthy Blood PressureAll of this can lower your risk of premature death.

Jordan says a diet that emphasizes fiber is Digestive Health It also helps with weight management.

This is important, she says, as it reduces the health risks associated with obesity, further reducing the chances of serious illness.

“Meanwhile, reducing your intake of saturated fats, found in processed foods and red and processed meats, improves your lipid profile and reduces inflammation, which is a precursor to diabetes. Metabolic disorders like Type 2 diabetes Heart disease is also a factor,” Jordan explains.

The study found that greater adherence to this dietary pattern reduced all leading causes of death, including cancer, heart disease and lung disease. Jordan wasn't surprised.

“The lower rates of cancer, heart disease and lung disease in people following the Planetary Health Diet may be due to its high antioxidant and fiber content. Oxidative stress It supports heart and digestive health,” she explains.

Intake of omega-3 fatty acids also plays a role: “Omega-3 fatty acids, found in plants and oily fish, may contribute to cardiovascular health and lower the risk of cancer,” Jordan explains.

Vegan and vegetarian diets have become increasingly popular in recent years, both for their health benefits and their reduced environmental impact.

However, the Planetary Health Diet differs from these two eating styles by including moderate amounts of meat and dairy products.

Registered Dietitian Laura WynessResearchers not involved in the study say meat and dairy products are important sources of nutrients, including essential vitamins and minerals, such as iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and selenium.

“Reducing meat and dairy products without careful consideration of plant foods that provide important nutrients may increase the risk of deficiencies in some essential vitamins and minerals,” she warns.

“Diets aimed at reducing environmental impact involve eating less and Micronutrients “There's already a shortage in some demographics,” she explains.

Similarly, Jordan says it can be hard to get enough of certain nutrients from an exclusively plant-based diet, so consuming meat and dairy products in moderation could be beneficial.

If you want to follow the Planetary Health Diet, Wyness recommends making a few small changes at a time.

She says incorporating more plant-based protein foods is a good place to start: “Adding canned chickpeas or beans to casseroles, curries and stews can help you increase your meat consumption and save money,” she points out.

“You can also make your regular meals entirely plant-based by substituting a mix of legumes and vegetables for meat. Canned legumes are Plant Proteinbeneficial fiber, and other essential nutrients.”

Adding lentils is another great way to top up on fiber and nutrients, she says.

Jordan said, Protein intake Away Red meat A focus on fish, poultry and plant-based proteins is key.

“Fish salmon “Fish and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and reduce inflammation in the body,” she points out.

“On the other hand, nuts and seeds almondflaxseeds, and chia seeds can also boost your protein and nutrient intake.”

Choosing whole foods over processed foods whenever possible is also a big change to make.

Jordan says this means buying foods that are as close to natural as possible, like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes, which provide essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that are often lost in processed foods.

The Planetary Health Diet is the diet for you if you want to improve your overall health while reducing your impact on the environment.

New research suggests that diet could lower the risk of premature death by 30%.

Health experts say this eating pattern provides your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally.

You can make the switch by eating more plant-based protein, less meat and dairy, and more whole foods.




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