Can the electric rice cooker decontaminate the N95 mask?
N95 mask Is intended to be disposable, but the global shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) forces people to disinfect and reuse masks. Researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered that electric cookers can effectively decontaminate N95 masks.
Using an electric rice cooker such as an instant pot or rice cooker, you can safely disinfect the N95 mask with about 50 minutes of dry heat. of paper A journal from the University of Illinois was published in Environmental Science and Technology Letters.
Thanh “Helen” Nguyen explained how the N95 ventilator is effective against droplets and other particles that may carry coronaviruses. Due to the lack of PPE during the pandemic, medical staff had to disinfect and reuse the mask.
The best way to disinfect PPE is by UV light, but not everyone has access to such technology. Instead, people were looking for alternative ways to safely disinfect their N95 masks and other PPE.
Effective decontamination
There are several ways to sterilize the N95 mask, but not all hygiene methods can effectively decontaminate the mask without damaging some parts, says Vishal Verma. “Maintaining the filtration effect and fit of the respirator to the wearer’s face is essential,” said Barma.
The team focused on how dry heat met the criteria for decontamination, conformance, and filtration. They wanted to find an easy way to decontaminate N95 masks that could be done easily by anyone in the house without the need for extensive preparations involving chemicals.
Another team at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Hamilton, Montana, also conducted some decontamination experiments. “our result In case of a shortage, the N95 mask can be decontaminated and reused, showing that it can be used up to 3 times with UV and HPV and up to 2 times with dry heat. “
Also read: Are face masks effective against COVID-19? Pros and cons
Use an electric rice cooker
Testing an electric rice cooker seemed like the best choice. N95 masks were effectively decontaminated from four viruses, including coronavirus, in one cooking cycle lasting 50 minutes at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The cleaning method is more effective than UV light, the team said.
“I built a chamber in a laboratory that tested aerosols, examined the filtration of an N95 ventilator, and measured the particles that passed through it,” Verma said. “Even after 20 cycles of decontamination with an electric mask, the ventilator maintained a filtration capacity of over 95%, remained fit, and was properly worn on the wearer’s face.”
In a demonstration of their video, they said it is important that no water is added to the cooker to maintain maximum heat. Also, because the bottom of the Ferberware cooker is covered with a towel, its heating elements do not damage the N95 mask. Multiple masks can also be stacked inside as long as they do not directly contact the bottom and sides of the cookware.
Their study is particularly useful for clinics, hospitals, health care workers, and first responders who do not have extensive heat disinfection equipment.
Also read: Is sterilization of N95 masks in the microwave effective? Method is as follows
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