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Simple changes that could save thousands of sepsis patients – UQ News

Simple changes that could save thousands of sepsis patients – UQ News
Simple changes that could save thousands of sepsis patients – UQ News


Changing the way antibiotics are given to adults with sepsis could save thousands of lives a year around the world, according to research from the University of Queensland and the George Institute for Global Health.

Clinical trials and systematic reviews have shown that commonly used antibiotics like penicillin, given intravenously as a continuous infusion rather than multiple short infusions, can cure infections and save lives.

Professor Jason Roberts, Director of UQ Clinical Research Center Researchers from the University of California, San Diego, Calif. and Metro-North Health's Herston Infectious Disease Institute said they tested their laboratory findings in a clinical trial involving more than 7,000 patients to deliver the optimal drug concentration to the infection-causing bacteria.

“We found that by infusing these antibiotics continuously, we could maintain concentrations of the antibiotic in the patient's blood and tissues and kill a higher proportion of the bacteria,” Professor Roberts said.

“This simple intervention uses commonly available antibiotics, so the dosage change can be implemented almost as easily in a small hospital in the third world as in a well-resourced hospital in a developed country.”

Associate Professor Joel Dulhunty“The study is a first for the BLING (Blind Linked Infectious Diseases Research Group) and is a first for the BLING (Blind Linked Infection …Beta-lactam infusion group III was one of the largest randomized antibiotic clinical trials to date.

“The study, sponsored by the George Institute, 7 Over 130,000 doses administered and 4 million data points analyzed,“Dr. Dulhunty said.

Associate Professor Naomi Hammond, head of the Intensive Care Programme at the George Institute, said data from the clinical trials was then used in a systematic review and meta-analysis which combined 18 studies and more than 9,000 patients.

“The overall data shows that the use of continuous infusion has a very large impact, saving one life for every 26 patients treated,” Dr Hammond said.

UxyCR Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Lippman The team said their next step is to publish global treatment protocols and guidelines.

“Doctors follow international guidelines when treating patients with sepsis, but currently there is very low certainty of evidence about how to most effectively administer these drugs,” Lippman said.

“Thanks to our research program, treatment protocols and guidelines have become very certain.

“Given the straightforward nature of the survey findings and the ongoing discussions among hospitals, we expect most hospitals will adopt these changes immediately.”

The study is the culmination of a more than 20-year research program led by Professor Lippman, which began with small studies focused on dosage and led to large-scale clinical trials with multinational collaborators.

The BLING III trial was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, the Belgian Centre for Medical Knowledge (KCE), the Health Research Council of New Zealand, the University of Queensland, Nimes University Hospital, Skåne University Hospital and the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Foundation funded the research program that began with the BLING I trial.

The BLING III trial involved collaborators from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Sweden, Belgium, France and the UK.

The study was published in two papers. here and here in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

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