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Ultra-processed plant-based foods may increase risk

Ultra-processed plant-based foods may increase risk


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A new study suggests that eating ultra-processed, plant-based foods may increase the risk of heart disease and premature death. milan2099/Getty Images
  • A new study finds that eating ultra-processed plant-based foods may increase the risk of heart disease and premature death.
  • But replacing 10% of ultra-processed plant-based foods in your diet with minimally processed plants could help reduce your risk of heart disease.
  • Experts say ultra-processed plant-based foods can contain high levels of sugar and salt..
  • A healthier plant-based diet includes more whole or minimally processed foods.

Plant-based diets are growing in popularity due to their perceived health benefits and lower environmental impact, but new research suggests that the types of plant-based foods you eat matter.

the study Published A study published this week in The Lancet Regional Health Europe found that ultra-processed plant-based foods are linked to heart disease and premature death.

More than 118,000 people aged between 40 and 69 answered questions about their diet. This information was later linked to hospital and death records for the development of cardiovascular disease risk factors.

The study found that ultra-processed, plant-based foods increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 5% and premature death by 13%.

Conversely, for every 10% replacement of ultra-processed plant-based foods with fresh, frozen, or minimally processed plants, there was a 7% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 13% lower risk of dying from heart disease.

“The results of this study are not a surprise to me.” Michelle Roosenstein“We've seen that many people who follow a vegan diet have high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, so the content of their diet is an essential factor in determining whether it is truly good for their heart,” said Dr.

Rosenstein said many of the vegan products currently available on the market are high in saturated fat and sodium but lack heart-protective nutrients.

She said this imbalance contributes to elevated cardiometabolic indicators such as high blood pressure. Elevated cholesterol levelsand Insulin resistanceincreasing your risk of heart disease.

The increased risk of heart disease and premature death associated with these foods has a lot to do with how they are processed.

“The processing and cooking methods used to produce ultra-processed plant-based foods can lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs),” Rosenstein explained.

AGEs are harmful compounds that form when sugars react with proteins and fats during high-temperature cooking.

Rosenstein said that excess AGE consumption is linked to inflammation. Oxidative stressincreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Like Rosenstein, Nicola Ludlum LaingNutritionist, Author How to avoid ultra-processed foodsagreed that the study's findings are concerning but not surprising.

She said ultra-processed, plant-based foods are bad for heart health for several reasons.

“First, they are still High salt content “And 'free sugars' can lead to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes,” she said. “Secondly, they're still high in saturated fats and Trans fatsIt may have a negative effect on blood cholesterol levels.”

Additionally, Ludlam-Raine noted that the degree of processing can result in the loss of nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals.

It's common to eat too much.

“The mixture of emulsifiers, flavorings, modified starches, and preservatives can cause passive overconsumption and Intestinal flora“The latter can affect everything from mood to the immune system,” she said.

Beyond cardiovascular health, consuming too many ultra-processed, plant-based foods can lead to other problems, such as type 2 diabetes.

“A diet high in ultra-processed foods (80% or more) may contribute to high blood pressure. Excess saltDigestive problems due to lack of dietary fiber, metabolic syndrome “It's caused by high levels of sugar and bad fats, and inflammation of the gut in susceptible people,” Ludlum Laing says.

Rosenstein expressed similar concerns, saying that excessive consumption of ultra-processed, plant-based foods ” Malnutrition Include it in your diet.”

Slick marketing can sometimes make it difficult to discern what's good for us and what's not, and this may be especially true when it comes to eating plant-based foods.

It's easy to assume that all plant-based foods are healthy, but there are some foods that you should limit or avoid if you're following a plant-based diet.

Ludlam Laing said ultra-processed foods were those that were heavily processed and had a long list of ingredients.

“Foods that contain unknown ingredients or additives are more likely to be highly processed or ultra-processed and may be higher in calories, fat, sugar and salt and lower in fibre and nutrients,” she said.

She suggests avoiding foods that contain a “mixture” of additives, such as emulsifiers, modified starches and artificial flavors.

These can be hard to spot on labels. Routhenstein says some common ingredients to limit include:

  • Aspartame
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Flavor enhancers
  • Thickening agents such as carrageenan
  • Emulsifiers such as lecithin
  • Antioxidants such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)

These foods are Vegan Meat Substitutesflavored plant-based beverages, Vegan Cheesepackaged snacks, etc.

To transition to a healthier, plant-based diet, Luzenstein recommends incorporating nutrient-dense, whole foods that are minimally processed and balanced with lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

This too Lean protein source Soybeans, beans, legumes, and a wealth of colorful vegetables. Leafy vegetablesAlso include whole grains such as quinoa and barley, and healthy fats from nuts and seeds.

Ludlam Laing agreed, advising people to prioritise whole foods with as little processing as possible, and to cook at home.

“Always make more than you need so you can enjoy leftovers the next day,” she suggests. “If you're vegan, consider an algae-based omega-3 supplement, as well as foods fortified with vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and iodine.”

When it comes to diet, it can be increasingly difficult to determine what's good for you and what's not. Plant-based foods aren't always healthy, especially if those foods are heavily processed.

Ultimately, whether you're eating plant-based foods or not, Lusenstein says to be wary of “health claims and marketing language on packaging, as they don't always reflect the true nutritional value of the product. Look at the ingredients list and Nutritional Information It empowers you to make informed choices.”




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