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This is how the immune system fails in severe Covid-19 cases


Along: PTI | Berlin |

Release Date: August 7, 2020 6:27:55 PM

Scientists have discovered that in severe cases of COVID-19, immune cells called neutrophils and monocytes in these patients are only partially activated (expression)

In contrast to previous studies, scientists COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing In addition to increased immune function, the body’s defensive response falls into a continuous loop of activation and suppression, which may help develop better therapies to combat deadly illness.

Researchers, including researchers at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), evaluated blood samples from a total of 53 male and female COVID-19s in Berlin and Bonn, Germany. World Health Organization (WHO) classification.

They used blood samples from patients with other viral respiratory tract infections and blood samples from healthy individuals as controls.

Published in Journal Cell, this study analyzed gene activity and protein levels at the level of individual immune cells circulating in the blood of these patients using a very high resolution single cell OMIC technology. ..

“By applying bioinformatics techniques to this very comprehensive collection of gene activity in individual cells, we were able to gain comprehensive insights into the ongoing processes of leukocytes,” the study co-authored. Yan Lee explained. German Center for Individualized Infectious Diseases (CiiM).

“In combination with observing key proteins on the surface of immune cells, we were able to decipher changes in the immune system of COVID-19 patients,” added Birgit Sawitzki, co-author of the study. It was

Scientists have discovered that in severe cases of COVID-19, immune cells called neutrophils and monocytes in these patients are only partially activated and do not function properly.

However, these immune cells were found to be ready to protect patients from COVID-19 in the course of a mild disease, explained another co-author of the study, Antoine-Emmanuel Saliba.

They are also programmed to activate the rest of the immune system. This ultimately results in an effective immune response to the virus.

However, in severe cases of COVID-19, scientists pointed out that there are quite a few immature neutrophils and monocytes that have a “rather suppressive effect on the immune response”.

According to scientists, this phenomenon is also observed in other serious infections, for unknown reasons.

“Many signs suggest that the immune system stands in its own way during the severe course of COVID-19,” said study co-author Leif Erik Sander. “This could possibly lead to a poor immune response against Coronavirus“At the same time, it is accompanied by severe inflammation of the lung tissue,” Thunder added.

Current discoveries could lead to new treatment options, according to researchers. “Our data suggest that in severe cases of COVID-19, strategies beyond the treatment of other viral diseases should be considered,” said a co-author of the University of Bonn, Germany. Anna Aschenbrenner said.

In the case of viral infections, suppressing the immune system may not be beneficial, according to scientists.

“But, as our study shows, if we have too many dysfunctional immune cells, we want to suppress or reprogram them,” Jacob Nattermann, another co-author of a study at the University of Bonn Hospital.

“Medicals that work on the immune system might help. But this is a delicate balancing act. After all, it’s not a matter of shutting down the immune system completely, it slows itself, so to speak. It’s just cells,” Natterman said.

He added that scientists can retrieve pages cancer Studies that try to understand how to treat these immature cells. “Perhaps we can learn from cancer research. We have experience with therapies that target these cells,” he said.

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