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Post COVID-19 Syndrome Threats and Preventive Measures!


The threat of an increasing proportion of “not fully recovering patients” is plagued. As with post-infection measures, post-recovery measures are important. Ignorance can lead to long-term consequences such as the AIDS epidemic.

All infections leave a mark on the health of the victim. In particular, viral infections are not as easy to treat as antibiotics have the least effect. The virus controls several target organs in the body. Even after the control ends, the affected part will take time to completely recover. This certainly happens with all virus infections. Measles is a condition that gives patients long-term immunity and rarely has it twice. Even this disease leaves a lasting effect such as permanent brain damage and hair loss. Therefore, the effects after recovery go beyond immunity, leaving long-term effects. It is not easy to close your eyes due to the post-recovery effects of COVID-19.

Chronic fatigue syndrome: The most common residual effect of symptoms after recovery is fatigue. This fatigue can range from mild and lasting for several days to the severity of developing chronic fatigue syndrome. This syndrome is also a major threat to life after COVID-19. This condition causes constant fatigue and is unable to fully return to work. Even this fatigue can result in physical or mental immobility. The pathophysiology of this syndrome is not completely known, but it is certain that a lack of energy can cause chronic fatigue syndrome if the patient is stuck to the bed during the infection. COVID-19 does not allow patients to go to work, so CFS is more likely. CFS has been shown to last for 6 months, but in some cases it can last for a year or more.

To prevent this horrifying syndrome, do not remain lethargic for the duration of the illness. If possible, take a walk in the room and eat healthy fruits and vegetables to restore energy. If you feel weak after discharge, practice an energy-filled drink and sunlight for vitamin D. Reduce fatty foods, avoid carbonated drinks, and exercise more. To stop fatigue, you have to deal with allergies, reduce stress, and have a balanced diet.

Since the common symptoms of COVID-19 have been identified, it is clear that the virus has some effects, especially on the respiratory, digestive, and kidneys and heart.

Respiratory problems: The sequela of COVID-19 in the respiratory system depends on the severity of the infection he acquired. Patients with corona may need to face dyspnea and lung dysfunction in their life after recovery. Coronaviruses have a large effect on the victim’s lungs, and some lung failure can occur in the form of ARDS, increasing the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome. This syndrome is deadly in its own right and is life-threatening. If a person already has some respiratory problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the condition can get out of control.

Precautions to Avoid Respiratory Problems: Smoking and alcohol use should be avoided. Avoid working in dusty or dusty areas. Test for radon and take a spirometry test each time you feel dyspnea.

Digestive problems: Patients suffering from diarrhea and symptoms associated with dyspepsia are likely to face difficulties in digestion and absorption. Diarrhea is likely to cause dehydration, which can cause chronic dehydration if not treated carefully. Food poisoning and stomach burns can occur due to poor digestive system. An electrolyte imbalance can also be caused by diarrhea, vomiting, or dehydration, which causes muscle spasms.
To avoid these situations, eat a hygienic, well-cooked, healthy diet. Take plenty of fresh water. Take oral rehydration solution and juicy fruits such as watermelon, cucumber, and coconut juice.

Delirium: COVID-19 not only looks like a sudden illness, but it also triggers fear. Some studies have found that about 75% of people face hospital delirium and lonely delirium. According to the Merck manual, delirium is characterized by inability to direct attention, disorientation, inability to think clearly, and varying levels of attention. This condition is a psychological problem that can lead to mental illness and memory loss if left untreated.

To deal with delirium, you can do brain-calming activities, such as yoga-like sedation exercises as part of your daily routine to perform wide leg forward flexion, sphinx, and forward flexion poses.

Kidney problems, heart problems, sepsis, trauma, physical problems, etc. should all be managed as post-recovery care.

Controlling post-syndrome syndromes needs to provide more support to post-COVID patients, mentally and physically. The NHS spokesperson said: “While escaping the peak of coronaviruses, the next step in the response of healthcare services to coronaviruses is to expand and enhance the community’s healthcare services in new ways and set up additional psychological care for staff. Means.”

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect Dunya News’s editorial position.

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