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Researchers find microplastics in penises for the first time, raising questions about their impact on sexual health | Science and Technology News

Researchers find microplastics in penises for the first time, raising questions about their impact on sexual health | Science and Technology News


Microplastics have been found on penises for the first time, raising questions about their impact on sexual health.

The study, published in the scientific journal Nature, evaluated tissue from six men who had undergone surgery to treat erectile dysfunction.

Seven types of microplastics were identified in 80 percent of the samples, some as small as 2 micrometres (2/1000ths of a millimetre).

“The detection of microplastics in penile tissue raises questions about the impact of environmental contaminants on sexual health,” the scientists said in the study.

Nearly half of the microplastics found were polyethylene terephthalate, a compound commonly used in clothing and food and drink packaging.

Polypropylene, a harder microplastic also used in packaging, made up 34.7% of the material.

Some were as small as half a millimeter in size, the researchers said.

“Our study represents a groundbreaking finding regarding the presence of microplastics in penile tissue,” the researchers said.

“By revealing the presence of microplastics in human tissues, our study adds an important dimension to the ongoing discussion about the impact of environmental contaminants on human health, with a particular focus on men's sexual health.”

Lead study author Dr Ranjith Ramasamy told Sky News that more research was needed to see whether microplastics caused erectile dysfunction.

“We know it remains in the penis, so we need to focus on studies that can explain the mechanism by which it does this,” he said.

“We were not surprised by this finding, as previous studies have shown the presence of microplastics in the heart and blood vessels.”

Microplastics are The food we eat, The water we drinkEven the air we breathe or simply touching things.

Found in the blood For the first time in 2022 And recent studies have shown that these contaminants can lead to more serious conditions.

According to a study published in March this year, patients who had microplastics found in their blood vessels Increased chances of stroke, premature death, and heart attack.

The researchers found plastic in the blood vessels of nearly three in five (58 percent) of the 304 patients who took part in the Italian study.

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These findings do not prove that the plastic particles caused the heart attacks or strokes, as the patients may have been exposed to other risk factors.

However, the findings are in line with other research published in 2021 by Hull York Medical School and the University of Hull which found that microplastics can harm human cells.

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Microplastics May also contribute to climate changeResearchers have found pollutants in the clouds surrounding Japan's Mount Fuji.

The study published on Wednesday was authored by experts from the University of Miami, University of Colorado, San Rafael University in Milan and the Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon Institute in Germany.




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