Fauci: Reiterating the Importance of Public Health Principles “Until I’m Tired” | Health
Dr. Anthony Fauci states that there are five or six things you can do to reduce the spread of coronaviruses. And he says he keeps repeating those public health principles “until I get tired” because “they work”.
“Avoid wearing universal masks, physical distance, and crowds, doing hand washing and hand hygiene outdoors rather than indoors, and in situations where that is true, stay away from the bar,” he said. .. Brown Public Health School Webinar.
Dr. Forch says wearing a mask and opening up a country are closely related.
He says, somewhere, he said, “There are principles of public health and then open the country.” But that should not be the case.
“We really need to understand that, one is not the enemy of the other. One is the gateway to reach the other,” Dr. Foech said.
He added that for some reason the country wants to unite and fight Covid-19 together.
“I don’t think we need to go into fall and winter because we think it’s going to be a catastrophe. If we do a certain thing, we might come out in fall and winter and then it will work,” Dr. Forsi added did.
Surgeons General: Reduce Covid-19 according to “3 Ws”
At a news briefing in Baltimore, US surgeon Dr. Jerome Adams reiterated Dr. Forch’s views.
“You don’t have to wait for a vaccine. You don’t have to wait for a miracle cure,” he said.
Dr. Adams says the positive rate in New York City and New York State is less than 1% due to three things:
“They used three things, what I call Three W. The first is to wash your hands. The second is to check the distance. That is, at least from others. Stay 6 feet away to avoid crowded areas. Third, wear a face mask.”
However, he warned that it would take some time for the results to come out. “We just have to continue the course and normalize its positive behavior,” Adams added.
The model predicts Musk could save 70,000 Americans by December
U.S. coronavirus deaths can reach 300,000 by December 1, but new models say more Americans could save 70,000 lives just by wearing a mask Is predicting.
Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University told CNN on Friday morning. “And we can think that 70,000 people can be saved if we all wear masks every time we leave the door.
“This virus doesn’t just disappear or disappear. It exists with us and we have to fight it. What we can do is to wear a mask. Please wear it everyday.”
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent at CNN, was added on Friday. “Doing this could increase the number of lives saved even further,” he noted, allowing masks to reduce transmission by more than 40%, the model’s benchmark.
Since the number of lawsuits in the United States has reached 5 million, COVID-19 The pandemic is moving to a younger population, health experts said Thursday, in a proliferating case among children, teens and young adults.
Early on, Health professionals The most endangered, but new data from the World Health Organization indicate that most-and much more-are in people aged 25 to 64. According to the WHO, the proportion of cases in teens and young adults increased six-fold, and the proportion of very young children and infants increased seven-fold.
According to the WHO, this increase may be explained by more extensive testing, increased detection of mild cases, and changes in hotspot demographics, but “after public health and social action mitigation “Increased dangerous behavior” is also criticized.
But UCLA professor of epidemiology Anne Rimoin said Friday that the tests were actually down in 29 states, “no complete test is available” and too many false negatives. “Tests need to grow, not shrink. And we need to keep an eye on the positive rate.”
Infectious diseases of young people are increasing rapidly
Many Americans live in “diagnostic desserts” and have to wait weeks to get results, said Susan Butler Wu, an associate professor of clinical pathology at the University of Southern California.
“The lab is overworked,” she said. “The system is broken now.”
In New Mexico, where one-fifth of the cases are between 20 and 29 years old, state secretary of welfare, Dr. David Scrace called on people not to plan large gatherings for Labor Day. Did.
“We just cook with the people you live in,” Sclaise said Thursday. “Don’t bring your family together. You’ll have more time to do so.”
But Florida governor Ron De Santis said school sports should resume.
His own children aren’t old enough to play sports, he said.
“But if so, I want them to play, and if I bring something back home, I rob them of the opportunity to do things like I don’t want it. Instead of taking that risk, “said DeSantis.
In Georgia, everyone should continue to wear masks, wash their hands, and increase their social distance to reduce infection rates, Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Duncan told CNN. He was answering a question about a photo showing a crowded corridor in a high school where students don’t have to wear masks-and most did not.
The state allows local districts to set their own rules on precautionary measures, he said.
Nationally, more than 160,000 people have died of coronaviruses so far, and that number could nearly double by December, a director of major models said Thursday.
However, consistently wearing a mask could save 70,000, said Dr Christopher Murray, director of the Institute of Health Index Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, at CNN’s Global Town Hall.
“It’s so simple, cheap, and accessible to everyone that it’s rare to have such an extraordinary impact not only in the United States, but around the world,” Murray said.
At least 39 states and Washington DC and Puerto Rico have mask requirements. Kentucky Governor Andy Besher said he was “working” on Thursday and extended his mission for 30 days.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its website to encourage the use of valves and vented masks. One-way valves keep people cool, but it also means that respiratory droplets that carry the virus can escape and infect others.
The balance between the rapid increase in vaccines and “ethical principles”
Vaccines are being developed rapidly, but medical experts warn that they will only be available to the public after they are safe.
“If vaccines are available, shown to be safe and effective after more than 30,000 placebo-controlled randomized trials, the vaccines are always available within the time frame of those prioritized according to ethical principles. Is available,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in a Politico Pulse Check podcast.
He was “satisfied” with Modena’s first-week enrollment in Modena’s Phase 3 clinical trial of the coronavirus vaccine, saying 1,290 were randomly assigned to get either vaccine or dummy shots. .. Moderna plans to enroll 30,000 people in the trial.
Forch hopes to “get an answer” about whether the vaccine will work in November or December, he told CNN.
President Donald Trump wants to know more quickly. He said Thursday he was “optimistic” that the vaccine might be ready by the election day on November 3.
However, giving a specific date when the vaccine will be available is “very dangerous,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, a former surgeon-general, told CNN on Thursday.
“We can’t sacrifice standards, because it not only harms people, but undermines people’s confidence in the vaccine effort,” Mercy said.
Experts demand national plans
Federal authorities are often in conflict with local leaders and health professionals, and five former CDC executives said it was time for national leadership of the pandemic.
“It’s unbelievable that six months have passed since the pandemic struck. It’s not clear who is responsible for the federal government,” Dr. Thomas Frieden said at a roundtable hosted by ABC Newslive. .. “We have no plans. There is no common data we are looking at to see what’s happening with the virus and what’s happening with our response.”
According to Frieden, the CDC has been spotted on an early stage, with inconsistent messages from the Trump administration causing partisanship, confusion, and the spread of the virus.
“These are lives that all of us can save if we all wear masks, and we need national instructions to do that,” Vanderbilt Schaffner said Friday. ..
Due to the lack of national leadership, state authorities are taking antivirus measures themselves.
Louisiana Governor John Bell Edwards extended the bar’s closure on Thursday and announced that the state would remain in Phase 2 of the reopening plan, while New York City Mayor Bill Debrasio added another 30 city emergency first signed in March. It was extended for a day.
CNN’s Lauren Muscarenhus, Shelby Lynn Ardman, Maggie Fox, Elizabeth Cohen, Holly Silberman, and Jen Christensen contributed to this report.
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