How does walking help with back pain?
Doctors and physical therapists have long included aerobic exercise in treatment programs for back pain. Exercise can relieve back pain and strengthen the muscles that support the back. Yet many people with back pain are hesitant to exercise.
The new study, published Wednesday, Lancetprovides further evidence of the power of exercise. The study found that a regular walking habit was highly effective in preventing the recurrence of back pain. The study focused on adults with a history of back pain, and found that those who walked regularly went almost twice as long without their back pain recurring compared to the control group.
This new finding is consistent with the results of many studies. Existing research A 2019 study established a link between physical activity and improved back pain Systematic review It has been found that physical activity reduces the incidence of back pain. Research shows that yoga It was just as effective as physical therapy in relieving lower back pain.
The new study builds on that work by following patients outside of a tightly controlled clinical setting, said lead study author Mark Hancock, a professor of physiotherapy at Macquarie University in Australia, who sought to evaluate the effectiveness of a cheaper intervention that is more accessible to many people than clinic-based treatments.
Dr. Hancock and his team targeted a relatively sedentary sample group. The researchers collected data on 701 adults who had recently recovered from back pain. They randomly split the subjects into two groups: one group received an individualized walking and education program led by a physiotherapist over six sessions over a six-month period; the other group received no intervention. The researchers then followed both groups for one to three years.
The goal for each person in the walking group was to walk at least 30 minutes per day, five times per week, but the program was highly personalized based on age, BMI, current activity level, time constraints, and individual goals.
Participants in the walking group also received an education program to help them better understand and manage their pain. If patients' back pain worsened, they were encouraged to continue walking, but to adjust their speed and distance as needed. Dr Hancock says many people tend to avoid moving when their pain worsens, especially as they want to protect their backs.
“Education has changed their mindset and helped them become more active and stay active despite their back pain,” Dr Hancock said.
The new findings are the latest in 2020 Meta-analysis of 25 studies In a meta-analysis of low back pain prevention of which Dr. Hancock was a co-author, researchers found that regular exercise combined with physical education was the most effective way to prevent recurring low back pain.
While there are many causes of back pain, the underlying cause is often a weak base of support, says Hamza Khalid, MD, director of the Cleveland Clinic Spine Health Center. Walking helps strengthen the muscles that stabilize your spine. Mainly the trunk musclesA weak core can lead to fatigue, spinal misalignment and pain, he says.
Hancock's research shows that nearly 7 in 10 people who recover from back pain will experience a recurrence within the following year.
“Exercise is like medicine,” Dr. Khalid says, but emphasizes that it's “not a magic pill.” If your back pain is chronic or complex, your doctor or physical therapist can help you create an exercise program tailored to your specific needs.
Still, physical activity likely does help: Dr Hancock said that at the moment “the evidence is pretty overwhelming”.
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