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Is it hot enough for you? Maybe it's too hot for your heart health!

Is it hot enough for you? Maybe it's too hot for your heart health!


The American Heart Association warns that extreme heat can be dangerous and even deadly, especially for people with heart disease.

DALLAS, June 20, 2024 — It's only the first day of summer, but many parts of the U.S. are already reporting record high temperatures. In response, the American Heart Association Celebrating 100 years of lifesaving work As the world's leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for everyone, we offer an important warning about taking extra precautions to stay safe during extreme temperatures.

by Centers for Disease Control and PreventionOver 1,200 people die each year in the United States as a direct result of extreme heat, and this number is increasing significantly, with the number of deaths from heat stroke also on the rise.Cardiovascular disease.a study Recently published in the American Heart Association's flagship peer-reviewed journal Circulation They predict that heat-related cardiovascular disease deaths could more than double over the next 20 years.

Heat and dehydration make the heart work harder and put it under greater stress, and some recent studies are providing insight into how that may affect cardiac health.

  • Preliminary investigation A study presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Scientific Sessions 2024 found that short-term exposure to high temperatures increases inflammation and interferes with the body's normal immune system function, which may result in increased susceptibility to infections and accelerate the progression of cardiovascular disease.
  • Another study found that the combination of extreme heat and fine particle pollution can double a person's risk of dying from a heart attack. study Published in Circulation.

“With proper safety precautions, deaths and illnesses from heatstroke are largely preventable,” said Joseph C. Wu, MD, FAHA, current volunteer president of the American Heart Association, director of the Stanford Heart and Vascular Institute, and the Simon H. Sterzer Professor of Medical Radiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. “Prevention is especially important for infants, older adults, and those with high blood pressure, obesity, or a history of heart disease or stroke. While some people are more susceptible to heat-related problems than others, extreme temperatures can cause health problems for everyone.”

Wu suggests everyone follow these heat-safety tips:

  • Look at the clock: It's best to avoid being outdoors in the early afternoon (around noon to 3pm) as this is when the sun is at its strongest and the risk of heatstroke is higher.
  • Heat protection: Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing, such as breathable cotton or newer fabrics that repel sweat. Wear a hat and sunglasses as well. Apply a water-resistant sunscreen with at least SPF 15 before you start, and reapply every two hours.
  • Drink it up: Stay hydrated by drinking several glasses of water before, during and after any outdoor activities or exercise. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.
  • Take regular breaks: Find a shady or cool place, rest for a few minutes, rehydrate, and then resume.

If you are experiencing heatstroke, it's important to know the signs and symptoms.

Symptoms of heat stroke:

  • headache
  • Cool, pale, moisturized skin
  • Rapid and weak pulse
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Muscle weakness or muscle cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lose consciousness

If you experience any of these symptoms, move to a cooler place, stop exercising, and immediately splash around in cold water to rehydrate and cool down. You may need to seek medical help.

Heat stroke is a medical emergency. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 9-1-1 and seek medical attention immediately.

Symptoms of heat stroke:

  • High body temperature (over 103 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Hot, red, dry, or moist skin
  • A fast and strong pulse
  • Headache, dizziness, confusion
  • nausea
  • Lose consciousness

While staying heart-healthy in the heat, it's also important to find ways to keep the whole family active during the summer heat. Try walking, swimming, biking, skating, jumping rope, building a backyard obstacle course or organizing a neighborhood soccer game. Gardening, pushing a stroller or walking the dog also counts. Scheduling activity times to earlier in the morning or later in the evening can also help. On days when being outdoors is too challenging, find somewhere indoors to be active, like a shopping mall, gym or local recreation center.

Read more about how heat affects your heart health here.

Additional resources:


About the American Heart Association

The American Heart Association works tirelessly for a world where people live longer, healthier lives. We are committed to ensuring equitable health in all communities. Working with countless organizations and with the help of millions of volunteers, we fund innovative research, advocate for public health and share life-saving resources. The Dallas-based organization has been the leading source of health information for a century. As 2024 marks our 100th anniversary, we celebrate 100 years of rich history and achievements. As we move into our second century of bold discovery and impact, our vision is to advance the health and hope of all people, everywhere. Connect with Us, Facebook, X Or call 1-800-AHA-USA1.

Media Inquiries and AHA/ASA Expert Opinions: 214-706-1173

Cathy Lewis: 214-706-1324; Email: [email protected]

Public Inquiries: 1-800-AHA-USA1 (242-8721) and




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