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Skin cancer: what to do if spots appear

Skin cancer: what to do if spots appear


From spots of various colors to dark streaks under your fingernails, doctors say it's normal for skin to change as we age, but sometimes the changes aren't harmless.

As summer arrives and more Canadians are exposed to the sun, some may be wondering how to tell if a suspicious new spot or growth is something to worry about.

Dr. Rene Beach, a Toronto-based dermatologist, said during a Monday episode of daytime talk show “The Social” that different types of skin cancer are diagnosed every day in Canada.

Beach said if the cancer is detected early, most can be removed surgically and patients can lead normal lives.

Experts say that not all skin cancers are caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays, which damage skin cells.

Beach explains what to look out for if you're worried that a suspicious skin growth could be cancer.

Types of Skin Cancer

Basal cell carcinoma: Beach said sun exposure and sunburn can cause this type of skin cancer.

It's the most common type of skin cancer in Canada, but also the least dangerous, according to the Canadian Dermatology Association, which adds that if left untreated, it can cause pain, bleeding and disfigurement.

Squamous cell carcinoma: With the harmful rays of the sun, Squamous cell carcinoma She added that it can also develop when the body's immune system is suppressed, such as after a skin injury or organ transplant.

It's the second most common skin cancer in Canada, according to the Canadian Dermatology Association. It can appear as rough, scaly tumors that are flesh-colored, pink or brown. The larger the tumors get, the more dangerous they become and the more treatment is needed, the association says.

“In a small proportion of cases, the cancer can spread to the lymph nodes or other organs, with potentially fatal consequences,” the association said on its website.

Melanoma: Although not very common, Malignant melanoma Skin cancer can be caused by genetic factors, but also as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Beach said it can appear on people of all skin tones in areas that aren't exposed to the sun, such as beard areas, genitals, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Beach recommends that men shave once a year so that a doctor can examine the skin for signs of skin cancer. “Unfortunately, it's the most likely to spread, and it has the lowest survival rate, or death rate,” he said of malignant melanoma. Melanoma is often brown or black, but can also be other colors.

ABCDE Signs of Skin Cancer

According to Beach, potential signs of skin cancer include:

  • Asymmetry: One side of the mole or tumor does not look like the other side.

  • Borders: They are not smooth, but have jagged or irregular edges.

  • Color: Parts of the skin can be a variety of colors, including black, brown, white, red, and purple.

  • Diameter: In skin, anything over 5 millimeters in diameter can be a red flag. In nails, any change over 3 millimeters in diameter is usually a cause for concern.

  • Progression: The most important thing for a dermatologist to do is to check if there are any changes in your skin that your doctor can't explain. “If your skin is peeling, bleeding, or has open sores, especially on the top, that's not considered normal,” says Beach.

Types of substances that mimic melanoma

Beach said the skin changes can look like malignant melanoma, but are actually similar to it.

Cherry angioma: These are benign growths made up of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. They appear as bumps or papules on any skin type. They can look bright red or dark. They may even bleed. This is normal. “All of this makes people anxious, but there's nothing to be worried about; it's totally normal,” says Beach. “It affects about half of the population by age 50, and about 75 percent by age 70.”

If you're concerned, Beach recommends seeing a doctor. “If your doctor isn't sure, they'll refer you to a dermatologist,” she says. “But the reality is, these are normal things. More people have these symptoms than don't.”

Dermatofibroma: A very common analogue of malignant melanoma Dermatofibroma Anyone can get them on their hands or feet. They can appear after minor trauma, mosquito bites, cuts while shaving, or even an ingrown hair, says Beach. “People get really worried because they start growing new ones and they get bigger and bigger, but it's normal. In fact, I don't even recommend removing them for cosmetic reasons because I feel the cosmetic outcome is worse than the spots themselves.”

Seborrheic keratosis: Beach said he sees patients with these types of melanoma-like warts every day. They're also known as “granny warts” or “barnacles of aging.” The cause is unknown, but he said they can run in families. “They look awful,” he said, noting they can be round or oval, brown or black, and thick and lumpy in appearance. They can also grow to more than a centimetre in size and have a waxy, scaly appearance. “It's basically a sign of growing up in your 30s, so think of it as a gift for being an adult,” he said. “And it's totally normal.”

Seborrheic keratosis “They do vary in size and are a common reason for cosmetic surgery to remove them, but they are not a medical problem,” she added.

Nail changes: Beach has seen nail striations, or brown stripes on the nail, appear more commonly in patients with olive, brown, or black skin. It's an outgrowth of melanin in the skin that borders the bottom edge of the nail, or the proximal nail fold. “It just grows with the nail,” Beach says. “We see it as a sign of skin maturation. It's nothing to be worried about unless it turns into a black stripe, at which point I would be more concerned and encourage the patient to see a doctor.”

If patients are concerned, she recommends getting a manicure.

Skin Cancer Treatment

If the skin changes are suspected to be melanoma, patients will undergo a biopsy, where doctors will freeze the skin tissue and take a sample to provide a melanoma diagnosis and, if necessary, further treatment, she added.


While wearing sunscreen occasionally won't prevent certain skin cancers, doctors say it's best to use sunscreen to be safe, and studies have shown that wearing sunscreen can reduce the incidence of skin cancer. Skin cancer.

Beach said some of the social media figures who have backed the anti-sunscreen movement are harming the public by falsely advertising sunscreen as toxic and damaging to the body.

“I tell my patients, 'If you want three things – skin cancer, wrinkles, thinning skin and hyperpigmentation – don't wear sunscreen,' and I've yet to meet anyone who actually says, 'Okay, then I'm not going to wear it,'” Beach says. “We know that sunscreen is safe and that it protects us.”

For more information, including images of types of melanoma mimics, watch the video above.




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