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What are the benefits of sunbathing?

What are the benefits of sunbathing?


Sunbathing plural Health benefits, include Vitamin D Production and expansion Immune systembut, Increase in skin cancer cases Over the past few decades, experts have Five To 20 min It depends on the season and the year.

Dermatologist Monica Morcos Gonzalezof TechsaludHe said in an interview: Tech Science Experts usually focus on the risks, so it's not uncommon to hear people talk about the positive aspects of sunbathing.

But the first thing to consider is: Sun It governs our circadian cycle, i.e. Biological clock regulate Sleep-wake cycleTherefore, experts say that exposure to sunlight can make you more motivated to sleep at night.

What other benefits does sunbathing have?

Not only does it improve the quality of your sleep, Sunbathing other advantage For example, to achieve optimal levels Vitamin D,our defense And our Serotonin level.

“our Immune systemIt proves that you need to sunbathe. And another thing that will improve is Vitamin D There's blood everywhere,” Morcos González said.

Experts say that when the skin is exposed to the sun, the precursors to cholesterol Previtamin D3 Then, as it passes through the bloodstream, Vitamin D.

What should be mentioned 80% of Vitamin D Our bodies receive Sun And we 20% Through it foodAccording to experts.

Why is Vitamin D important?

This vitamin is known to: SkeletonIt aids absorption calciumLikewise, it promotes Skin Health and increase production SerotoninImproves mood.

On this last point, Morcos-Gonzalez points out that “20% of the population lives in areas with little sun, such as the Nordic countries. Winter depression Due to shortage sunlight. “

The dermatologist also cited many patients coming to her clinic for: Hair loss problemsIn most cases, it is Low Vitamin D levels.

Regarding the use of sunscreen, the expert said, “I found an article that said you can still enjoy these benefits by applying it, but I think it's better to get some direct exposure to the sun.”

Finally, Morcos González recommends: Sunbathing for 5-10 minutes During the course of a day summerif it is winter It is the maximum 20You don't need to expose your whole body, about 40% is enough.

How can you protect yourself from the risks of being in the sun?

The experts tell us Benefits of Sunbathing while 5 minutes and 20 minutes 1 day (varies depending on the season) With longer exposureWhether for recreation or work, National Institutes of Health In the US, the NIH recommends:

  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face, neck, and ears. Baseball caps and sun visors only protect part of your skin.
  • Wear UV-blocking sunglasses to protect the skin around your eyes.
  • Wear long sleeves and long pants. Tightly woven, dark fabrics work best. Some fabrics are rated by their Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF). The higher the rating, the more protection you get from the sun.
  • Use a sunscreen product with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 (some doctors recommend using a product with an SPF of at least 30). Apply the recommended amount of product to exposed skin 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every 2 hours or after swimming or sweating.

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