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Lack of gut bacterial diversity increases risk of serious infections

Lack of gut bacterial diversity increases risk of serious infections


Having an abundance of beneficial bacteria in your gut not only protects you from stomach problems, but is also associated with an extra layer of defense against serious infections like pneumonia, according to a new study published in November 2010. Lancet Microorganism.

“Even after adjusting for demographics, lifestyle, antibiotic exposure, and comorbidities, a higher abundance of anaerobic butyrate-producing bacteria was associated with protection against severe infection,” the authors wrote in the study. Butyrate is a fatty acid produced when microbes living in the lower intestinal tract ferment dietary fiber. The human intestinal tract cannot digest dietary fiber on its own, so it relies on the gut microbiota to do the work. Previous studies in mice have shown that bacteria known to produce butyrate strengthen the immune system. This is because butyrate is known to induce the production of antimicrobial peptides, which in turn prevent pathogens from colonizing the lungs and bladder, thereby limiting tissue damage in those organs.

In 2019, the global burden of disease was study It is estimated that approximately 25% of deaths worldwide are due to bacterial pathogens, and studies are now demonstrating that hospitalized patients, even before they receive antibiotic treatment, may have a disrupted gut flora that allows pathogens to thrive.

To explore further whether people with fewer butyrate-producing bacteria in their gut are at higher risk of being hospitalized with an infection, researchers based in the Netherlands and Finland followed 10,000 people for six years.

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The team collected stool samples and analysed 16 types of gut bacteria and found that 600 people hospitalised with severe infections had lower amounts of butyrate-producing bacteria in their guts compared with the other 9,400 study participants.

“However, we did not know whether the decline in gut microbiota health was due to the acute infection and its treatment, or whether it was due to the low number of butyrate-producing bacteria in the microbiota to begin with,” said study author Robert Kullberg of the Amsterdam University Medical Center in a press release. PhD student Bob Kullberg added, “Our study answers this chicken-and-egg question: We found that people with 10% more butyrate-producing bacteria in their gut were 15-25% less likely to get infections.”

The researchers further suggested that the use of certain types of antibiotics that target bacteria that can live without oxygen (also called anaerobic antibiotics) may help: Enterobacteriaceae Intestinal Because these antibiotics kill the gut flora that produce butyrate, the researchers advised clinicians to reconsider the widespread use of anaerobic antibiotics.

“We found that gut microbiota composition, specifically colonization with anaerobic butyrate-producing bacteria, was associated with a reduced risk of hospitalization due to infection. This study defines a potential opportunity for interventional research evaluating gut microbiota-directed therapies (such as targeted delivery of butyrate-producing bacteria or limiting the reduction of gut anaerobes) aimed at reducing susceptibility to systemic infections,” the authors conclude.




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