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Friday 7 August: New Humboldt County COVID-19 confirmed today: 2 – Standard Time


Edited from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center release:

After two new cases were reported today, the total number of cases in Humboldt County reached 282.

Due to the increasing pace of cases, public health yesterday raised the effectiveness of disease management to level 3 with the county’s alert level assessment tool. This does not change the overall alert level, but is currently 3 or Level Orange, but Dr. Teresa Francovich, Humboldt County Health Officer, called for an increase in related incidents.

“Forty-nine cases have been reported this week alone, or about 17% of all cases since February,” she said. “These developments should deepen our commitment to do everything we can to limit the spread of this virus.”

Dr. Francovic continues, saying: Family and friends. These types of choices really make a difference to our county. “

The Public Health Laboratory cannot operate fully today due to major plumbing problems at night that flooded parts of the laboratory and caused serious damage to the Director of Public Health and the offices of both public health officials. was. The damage is a fixture mounted overhead in one office and a partial collapse of the ceiling in another. Michele Stevens, Dr. Teresa Francovich, Dr. Josh Ennis have been temporarily moved into the building while the office is being repaired. Although some operations were impacted, a public health official said the lab “did not skip all at once” from a COVID testing perspective.

(Graphics, Sonia Waraichi, Times Standard)

COVID-19 daily test results

For the latest information on COVID-19, please visit: Or For local information,, Phone 707-441-5000 or email [email protected]..

What do these numbers mean?

Notes on patient and demographic data

To protect the identities of people with COVID-19, their particular place of residence is not exposed. The Humboldt County Public Health Branch has a legal responsibility to protect personal health information, including address, specific age, recent trips, contact ID and location, health care provider, illness history, and other identifiable information. There are individuals who are infected or are exposed to the virus, unless they provide public health benefits.

Interesting for residents, providing the location and other demographic information to the general public cannot delay the spread of the disease. Humboldt County has experienced untraceable person-to-person transmission, also known as “community spread,” and nowhere is considered safe. To reduce the chance of getting or spreading COVID-19, avoid travel, wash your hands, keep yourself and the environment clean, evacuate into place and for any reason except absolutely necessary. Please do not leave home so.

The following case information will be provided daily from Monday to Friday.

  • Newly confirmed cases
  • Total cases confirmed so far
  • Total number of cases recovered to date
  • Total deaths to date
  • Total hospitalization to date
  • Number of tests run since the last report
    • Number of public health lab tests since last report
    • Number of OptumServe tests since last report
  • Total number of tests so far
    • Number of public health laboratory tests to date
    • Number of OptumServe tests so far
  • Public Health Laboratory Testing Capabilities, Total and Daily, Expected Duration
    • Transmission data
    • Travel acquisition
    • Contact known cases
    • Community submission
    • Under investigation

Additional information will be updated every Friday:

  • Regional data
  • sex
  • Average age
  • Age group
  • Test and positive test rates for California and the United States.

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Humboldt Health Warning:


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