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How to avoid mosquito bites: 5 tips to repel bugs this summer

How to avoid mosquito bites: 5 tips to repel bugs this summer


Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, but they can also carry potentially dangerous diseases, including: Dengue feverThe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Alert Tuesday about the increased risk this year. Dengue infection,this is Causes symptoms Symptoms include fever, pain (especially behind the eyes), nausea, vomiting, and a rash. Puerto Rico has declared a dengue fever public health emergency. Earlier this year.

To protect yourself from these pesky and sometimes dangerous insects, in addition to dengue fever, mosquito bites can also cause Zika, West Nile, More diseases — You have options. Here are some ways to protect yourself from mosquito bites this summer so you can continue enjoying the outdoors.

Let's start with the surroundings

Before you start applying oily bug spray to yourself, make your backyard or outdoor space mosquito-proof by removing all standing water where mosquitoes can breed, including buckets, gutters, playground equipment, and plastic covers.

If you have outdoor water requirements (birdbaths, fountains, rainwater tanks, etc.), keep the water fresh by discarding excess water where possible and changing it at least once a week. If you have a swimming pool, make sure the water is properly treated and circulated.

To Mitigate the risks To prevent mosquito bites indoors, use window screens and air conditioning if possible.

Get an EPA-approved bug spray

Mosquito repellent spray bottle Mosquito repellent spray bottle

Chemical repellents repel mosquitoes through sprays, arm bands and clip-on accessories.

Miguel Skincariol/Getty Images

To prevent mosquito bites, The CDC recommends We use insect repellents that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency, which means they have been tested and proven to be safe and effective when used as directed.

If you’re wondering what you need in a repellent, the EPA has Search tools We can help you find the best one for your situation. Which one is most effective? For maximum repellency, the CDC recommends using EPA-registered products that contain one of the following active ingredients:

  • DEET
  • Picaridin (known outside the United States as KBR 3023 or icaridin)
  • IR3535
  • Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (OLE) A more natural and gentler repellent
  • Paramenthanediol (PMD)
  • 2-Undecanone (another plant-derived ingredient)

The CDC advises applying insect repellent after sunscreen and following the repellent's instructions carefully.

Wear appropriate clothing

It's probably not the advice you want to hear in the heat of summer, but wearing long sleeves, socks, and pants is one way to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Fabric acts as a barrier, making it harder for mosquitoes to reach your skin in the first place. If long sleeves and pants aren't your summer style, tucking in your shirt is also a good idea.

When choosing outdoor clothing to repel mosquitoes, it is important to remember that mosquitoes sometimes Tearing through tight fitting fabricLike spandex. CDC Recommendation Loose clothing and Care of clothing and equipment Contains 0.5% permethrin. Not for use on skin.

Grow a garden

If you want to repel mosquitoes without using chemicals, you may want to consider using plants in your pots or garden. Several Reports Several plants contain essential oils that repel mosquitoes and are released when the leaves are crushed, burned, or rubbed directly on the skin. Add some greenery to your patio with these plants, whose scents and oils are thought to repel mosquitoes.

  • Marigold.
  • lavender.
  • Citronella Grass.
  • Catnip.
  • Rosemary.
  • basil.
  • Lemon balm.
  • Fragrant geranium.

Invest in a mist system

Mist System is one way to seriously combat mosquitoes on your property. These systems consist of nozzles connected by tubing to a tank of insecticide. The nozzles, placed around the perimeter of your garden, spray a fine mist of the insecticide, killing or repelling mosquitoes.

Automatic misting occurs at timed intervals, or you can activate the system with a remote control. Misting is considered safe for homes with children and pets, and there are all-natural mist misting solutions available, but it's best to avoid the area while misting is taking place.

This repeated spraying method is effective, but it's not cheap. A DIY version can cost a few hundred dollars, while a full-service, professionally installed system can cost as much as $5,000 for a quarter-acre lot. Still, if you have a serious pest problem, you might trade the comfort for the money. For more information on misting and state regulations for pesticides, see the EPA's guide.

Other options include devices that repel mosquitoes from a distance. Thermacell repellent It uses fuel cartridges filled with allethrin, a synthetic version of a natural repellent found in plants in the Asteraceae family, and the battery-powered device generates heat, dispersing the repellent into the air to create a protective zone.

Try these methods and find the solution that works for your space, and whether it's potted plants or a heavy-duty spray, you'll enjoy a mosquito-free space all summer long.




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