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COVID-19 cases likely to rise in Houston

COVID-19 cases likely to rise in Houston


Houston – Heat waves may not be the only wave Houston residents will have to deal with in the coming weeks, as experts from the Houston Health Department predict a possible “coronavirus wave” after a gradual increase in cases over the past five weeks.

Earlier this week, KPRC 2 spoke with Dr. David Peirce, chief medical officer for the Houston Health Department, who said he and his colleagues have seen an increase in cases recently.

“We're seeing an increase in the amount of COVID-19 detected in wastewater,” Peirce said. “We're also seeing an increase in cases in clinics, but thankfully not many cases requiring hospitalization.”

To track the possible spread of the disease, the Houston Health Department is testing wastewater from 40 water treatment plants for traces of the virus.

The team noticed a slight increase in viral load over the past five weeks, and as of June 17, they determined that viral saturation had reached 273%.

Although these figures may sound high, they are still far lower than at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic: in July 2020, for example, saturation levels were reported to have exceeded 1,500%. However, experts say these increases are to be expected, given knowledge of the virus' behavior.

“COVID-19 behaves differently than other respiratory diseases,” said Porfiro Villarreal, public information officer for the Houston Health Department. “We're seeing a different surge. It's a new virus, so it's not how we would normally expect it to be.”

For example, Villarreal noted that while most respiratory diseases spread during cold seasons, COVID-19 has also proven to spread well in warmer months, which could contribute to a “summer wave” of new infections.

But Villarreal doesn't think this is cause for serious concern: COVID-19 is exhibiting unique behavior that requires further study, but is not so different from how scientists adapt to new influenza strains each year, Villarreal said.

Like the flu, COVID-19 will likely continue to mutate, but Villarreal said that doesn't necessarily mean it will get out of control. Rather, he said, it's more likely that scientists will continue to develop new COVID boosters to combat future mutations.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister urged people not to panic and to take reasonable health precautions, such as wearing masks in crowded places and taking extra measures to protect those with weakened immune systems.

But above all else, Villarreal had one simple piece of advice for anyone worried about potentially getting sick.

“Now, more than ever, is the time to make sure you get your COVID-19 vaccination,” Villarreal said. “While the virus is unpredictable, the vaccine is safe and effective and is the best thing you can do for your health, especially if you have loved ones close to you who may be at risk of infection.”

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