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Mosquito control stepped up in Western Australia's north after two people die from Murray Valley encephalitis

Mosquito control stepped up in Western Australia's north after two people die from Murray Valley encephalitis


Health alerts have been issued and mosquito control programs stepped up in the Pilbara state of Western Australia after two people died from a mosquito-borne virus.

The Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) virus is endemic in northern Western Australia and is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes.

In most cases, the disease is mild, but in rare cases it can cause brain infections that can lead to lifelong symptoms and even death.

Approximately 1 in 800 people infected with the MVE virus develop severe illness.

There have been four recorded cases in Western Australia in 2024.

A mosquito is standing on human skin on a green background.

Murray Valley encephalitis virus is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes.(Provided by: CSIRO)

“It's important to note that there is no vaccine or specific treatment for Murray Valley encephalitis,” Western Australian Department of Health supervising scientist Jay Nicholson said.

“Therefore, the only effective prevention against infection is to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.”

Dr Nicholson said older people and young children were particularly at risk of catching the virus.

Residents and tourists urged to cover, drive away and clean up

Winter is the peak tourist season in northern Western Australia and the health department said it expected an increase in travellers in the coming weeks.

The agency is urging residents and tourists to protect themselves by wearing protective clothing, applying effective mosquito repellent and keeping vegetation short around residential areas to repel mosquitoes.

Dr Nicholson advised holidaymakers to check the condition of their caravans and camping equipment before setting off on their trip.

A machine sprays fog into the night sky from the back of a truck

In Port Hedland, efforts to eradicate mosquitoes are being stepped up, including spraying areas where they are likely to congregate with a lethal mist.(Provided by: Town of Port Hedland)

“If you have a caravan from last year it may have insect screens fitted – make sure they are in good working order,” Dr Nicholson said.

“If you're camping outdoors, it's always a good idea to have a mosquito net or a mosquito-proof tent.”

Pilbara town steps up mosquito control

Efforts to reduce mosquito numbers are being stepped up in Port Hedland, 1,600 kilometres north of Perth.

“We have already strengthened our program and our ongoing monitoring on the ground,” Port Hedland's environmental services manager Michael Kuvalo said.

“We also urge local residents to let us know if they notice an increase in mosquito numbers in their area or at their workplace.”

Kubalo said the key to controlling mosquito populations was to destroy the mosquito eggs laid around water bodies and wetlands.

Two men holding a large drone in a green field

The City of Port Hedland says drones allow it to target mosquito eggs in places that are difficult to access on foot.(Provided by: Town of Port Hedland)

These areas are difficult and sometimes dangerous for humans to access, but the town recently deployed drones to carry out the work.

“This is an incredible piece of technology,” Kuvalo said.

“This will enable us to chemically treat an area of ​​12-15 hectares per day.

“Previously, we worked by hand through the swamps, but even with multiple staff working, we could only process four or five hectares a day. So now we have an improved capacity to eradicate mosquitoes.”

The health alert also includes the Gascoyne and Mid West regions.




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