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NASA announces strange looking shape of solar system


Along: Tech desk |

Update: 08/11/2020 1:11:46 pm

NASA solar system bubble, solar system shape, heliosphere shape, what is heliosphere, NASA Voyager, NASA space exploration, NASA space news Updated model of the heliosphere of our solar system (Source: Opher, et al/NASA)

Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have developed a new prediction for the shape of the bubbles surrounding the solar system. This was possible after data was collected from models developed using various NASA missions.

Previously, scientists believed that the shape of our heliosphere traveling in outer space around the center of a galaxy resembled that of a comet with a long tail at the back and a rounded leading edge. ..

Scientists couldn’t understand the shape of the heliosphere of the solar system because the nearest edge was more than 10 billion miles away from Earth. With the help of two Voyager spacecraft, they were able to measure this area.

To study the boundaries to the interstellar space, astronomers capture and observe particles flying towards our planet. Galactic cosmic rays, charged particles that come from different parts of the galaxy along with existing ones, help scientists move toward the heliosphere and study the boundaries of the galaxy that are rebounded by a series of electromagnetic processes. Under NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), scientists use these particles as radar to identify boundaries to the interstellar space.

“The two fluids are mixed.” Opher, a professor of astronomy at Boston University said, “There are cold and hot fluids that, when placed in outer space, they do not mix. And it evolves almost independently. What we did was to separate these two components of the solar wind and model the 3D shape of the heliosphere.”

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“Everything is very spherical because the pick-up ions dominate thermodynamics, but they leave the system very quickly beyond the end shock, causing the entire heliosphere to contract,” Opher said. ..

What is the heliosphere?

The heliosphere acts like a shield to our solar system, protecting us from the rest of the galaxy from particles launched after a supernova (a powerful and bright star explosion). However, it is not able to absorb all the radiation and makes a quarter of these galaxy rays into the solar system.

Particles that penetrate our heliosphere are still dangerous, but our planet is protected by its magnetic field and atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the heliosphere, which will be a major leap for future space exploration.

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