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Alzheimer's treatment shows promise, health experts say

Alzheimer's treatment shows promise, health experts say


June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, and as the month draws to a close, medical experts are encouraging prevention while also expressing cautious optimism about new treatments.

Tampa Bay health experts believe people should be as careful as possible about the disease year-round.

“Currently, there are approximately 5.8 million people living with Alzheimer's, and by 2060, that number will triple,” says Tara Cullis, a nurse practitioner at WellMed in Land O' Lakes. “It's not just the patient who's living with Alzheimer's, it's also their family members who become the caregivers for people with Alzheimer's.”

The launch of Lukenvi, a new drug that treats the underlying cause of Alzheimer's, is giving hope to some families battling the disease.

But unfortunately, the long-term effects are minimal, Kallis said.

“This drug actually slows the progression of Alzheimer's by about five months. Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent Alzheimer's,” she said, adding that she hopes future treatments will more effectively target the plaques in the brain that cause Alzheimer's. “Some people have a genetic predisposition, but it's actually the plaques that develop in the brain that affect brain activity.”

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According to WellMed, Alzheimer's and other types of dementia are the leading cause of death among older Americans, with the number of people with the disease doubling every five years. Unlike deaths from other diseases such as heart disease and cancer, deaths from Alzheimer's are increasing.

Carice told FOX 13 there's evidence that a variety of lifestyle changes, both physical and mental, may be the best prevention method.

“The most important thing I tell my patients is to keep their minds active,” Carisa says. “The more you can use your brain, stay connected to the people in your life, and have conversations that stimulate brain activity, that's really going to help you.”

Greta Braunstein's father, Ira Braunstein, 83, has been battling the disease for 11 years and is hopeful that researchers will find a treatment that will have long-term effects.

“This is a horrible disease and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, whether it's the patient who has it or the family member who is watching them, because it's horrible for both sides,” Greta said on Friday.

The Brownsteins noticed Ira's health was declining in 2012. A year later, Ira was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The family came up with different ways to keep Ira active, including puzzles to keep him busy every day.

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But Greta also said her family faces constant challenges.

“He loves being outside all the time and he feels like he's been locked up,” she said. “He has a habit of getting very angry sometimes and the next moment he doesn't remember anything.”

Doctors are urging families to watch out for signs of potential brain disease, such as memory loss, inability to do basic tasks or difficulty carrying on a conversation.

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