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Rave in Paris portrays the crowd as a Covid-19 shutter nightclub. life


A “free party” was held mainly in Paris, and new followers gathered for young people who were unfamiliar with the underground techno dance scene, but there was no chance to drop their hair.  ― pic
A “free party” was held mainly in Paris, and new followers gathered for young people who were unfamiliar with the underground techno dance scene, but there was no chance to drop their hair. ― pic

Paris, August 8-A new fan base among youngsters in Paris denies the dance floor due to the outbreak of a coronavirus at a fraudulent rave party, a long-lived entertainment of hardcore techno fans understood.

In France, measures to contain the outbreak have closed licensed nightclubs since March, with DJs claiming the sector is at risk of “extinction” and approving “emergency party area” to the government. I called urgently.

Meanwhile, “free parties” have become popular around the capital, attracting new followers to young people unfamiliar with the underground techno dance scene, but they are looking for an opportunity to get their hair down.

The Vincennes Forest, a vast park of greenery, lakes and forests in the southeast of Paris, is at the epicenter of this phenomenon.

From the nearest subway station, party participants walk for about 15 minutes following the bass beat. Find one of the dozens of secret parties lit by fairy lights hidden in the woods.

In July, a “free party” at the park captivated as many as 1000 people at once. There are many flooding guidelines for wearing a face mask and keeping a safe distance from others to avoid getting coronavirus.

“I’ve never seen anything like that, it was completely crazy,” said Ira Janotti, co-founder of the party planning group at Sures Marseines (Chick Sisters), about the turmoil. Told.

The Rave first appeared in France in the 1990s and was forced by the law of 2001 to require the organizers to pre-register with the police and was popular until the massive rebel section of the scene and its faithful followers were pushed underground. was.

“A party is essential”

The rave includes dance to loud techno music from dusk to dawn, where DJs blow through loud speakers in abandoned warehouses and deep forests. The use of recreational drugs is a common feature.

The pandemic made the secret “free party” popular again. Licensed nightclubs are closed during the summer due to the high density of enclosed spaces and the high risk of personal infections.

In the United States and other countries, authorities are observing a surge in infections, centered on a group of young people having parties in areas near beaches, bars, and other outdoor venues.

“When the lockdown was over, there was a lot of pressure (to organize the party),” said DJ and group who started the party host in the Woods of Vincennes in May after a rigid stay in France. Antoine Calvino, who is in charge of Microclimat (Microclimate), said. -Home rules have been removed.

“Even the nightclubs and bars were still closed, and we didn’t have many options to meet up with friends and have a party,” Calvino told AFP.

“A party is essential. For some people, it’s a parallel way of life, a moment of vaporizing and meeting. It’s a pressure outlet, of equal tolerance,” he added.

Large surprise

In order to find the location of the recently held secret rave called “Trans Tarace,” prospective customers had to call the number and hear a voicemail message at the address.

To participate, you had to get over the walls, put on a mask, sanitize your hands with gel, and then pay an admission fee of €10 (RM49.38) to cover the cost of the organization.

Police are meticulous and have taken busts since mid-July to disperse the dash and seize party equipment.

However release The newspaper reported that the law enforcement response was ambiguous.

In “Trans Tales,” five police wandered through the crowd, warning several party participants and seizing a few joints before leaving.

The Parisian municipality said it was taken by the surprise of the underground party “due to the scale of the phenomenon.”

“The real cultural and social phenomenon is happening right now. At the city hall, we don’t want the police to go. We want to make things possible,” Councilor Frederick Hoccard told AFP.

“Our approach is to plan at the authorized location, where people are pre-registered and alert people to the risk, whether it is a normal risk (alcohol, drugs, sexually transmitted diseases) or not. They were associated with an epidemic,” he added.

Police have intervened in recent months to end the illegal rave in London and New York over the risk of coronaviruses. ― AFP-Relaxnews


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