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Groundbreaking research improves effectiveness of cancer-fighting viral drug

Groundbreaking research improves effectiveness of cancer-fighting viral drug


Researchers at Aarhus University have made a major breakthrough by discovering that a drug called 4-OI can boost the effectiveness of anti-cancer viral drugs, which may make it possible to treat cancers that cannot be treated with other therapies.

When cancer cells don't respond to conventional treatments, doctors sometimes resort to a kind of viral biowarfare, deploying “armies” in the form of viral agents specifically designed to target and eliminate cancer cells. The method of attack is to transform the tumor into an immunologically “hot” environment, making it more visible and recognizable to the immune system.

Now researchers at Aarhus University's School of Biomedicine have found a way to make one type of viral drug even more effective – and the results are groundbreaking, says lead researcher Associate Professor David Oranje.

“We discovered that administering a specific viral agent called vesicular stomatitis virus (VSVD51) along with a metabolic drug called 4-octyl itaconate (4-OI) can treat cancers that appear to be resistant to viral infection.”

In other words, by combining this drug with viral factors, the researchers have succeeded in opening the door to treating cancers that have failed almost all known treatments, including viral factors, because some cancers have antiviral signaling that allows them to fight off viral factors and resist treatment.

This result is particularly surprising because 4-OI drugs, in other combinations, have been found to have completely opposite effects against different types of viruses. 4-OIs are normally antiviral, meaning they work to block rather than promote viral replication. But in this particular combination, 4-OIs actually help the cancer-fighting antiviral drugs work.

“This particular virus-drug combination creates a completely unique proviral effect that could have a major impact on patients with currently untreatable cancers,” explains David Oranje.

This new discovery is an important step toward new treatments and highlights the need for continued work to find new ways to treat the many types of cancer we face, says David Oranje.

“Cancer is not one single disease, but 100 diseases with one name. It is therefore important to develop multiple approaches to eradicate cancer. The use of biologically active viral agents could bring about a dramatic change in the treatment of currently untreatable cancers. That is why our findings are so exciting and groundbreaking,” he explains.

For the research team, the next step is more extensive preclinical testing of the combination of VSVD51 and 4-OI.

“We are particularly interested in testing this combination in metastatic tumours, where the cancer has started to spread, but also in liquid-type cancers such as lymphoma,” explains David Oranje.




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