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Pennsylvania dairy industry plans bird flu response

Pennsylvania dairy industry plans bird flu response


Aaron Simpson is a fourth-generation dairy farmer at Lone Oak Farm in Westmoreland County. He and his family operate an 80-cow farm and a store selling fresh dairy products.

In recent years, they've worried about being hit by inflation and wholesale milk prices that haven't kept up with rising retail prices. All around them, small family farms continue to close or sell to larger operations. The number of dairy farms in Pennsylvania is expected to fall 8% from 2017 to 2022, according to the state's Department of Agriculture. Latest Census from the United States Department of Agriculture.

Against this backdrop, H5N1 avian influenza is spreading through the U.S. dairy industry. The virus infects birds, but is known to infect other mammals as well. In March, scientists discovered the virus in U.S. cows. Since then, Spread across 60 groups Infected Three dairy farmers There were mild symptoms.

The virus has not been detected in Pennsylvania. New University of Pittsburgh Study The virus has been shown to remain stable and infectious on surfaces of commercial dairy equipment and in unpasteurized milk for at least an hour.

“Dairy workers are most at risk because they're on the front lines with these cows,” said Valérie Le Sage, research assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the University of Pittsburgh and lead author of the study.

However, the overall risk to the general public, including dairy workers, remains Very lowAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus may have entered Pennsylvania. Dairy farmers, veterinarians, state and federal agencies are working to combat the virus, including developing detailed plans to stop its spread and prepare for the virus if it does enter Pennsylvania.

Strict hygiene management

For now, Simpson isn't worried about bird flu. “It's an issue that doesn't get a lot of attention,” he says. “I know, people are worried about it around here, but the regulations around dairy production are so strict that it's really not something to be worried about.”

Farmers must follow strict hygiene procedures every day, said Ernest Hoving, director of the Animal Diagnostic Laboratory at Pennsylvania State University. Pasteurization kills most virusesAccording to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, milk can contain harmful bacteria, including bird flu.

If there are sick cows in the herd, these procedures are intensified: The sick cow still must be milked, but she is milked last, the entire production line is disinfected, and workers destroy the sick cow's milk.

Early signs that a cow is sick include not eating and producing less milk than normal. When an avian flu outbreak occurs on a farm, it usually spreads quickly, Hoving says. It's not common to have just one sick cow. “If all of a sudden you notice that you have eight cows eating less and producing less milk, that's a pretty big sign,” Hoving says. “You'd want to call your vet, and they'll determine if you need to call the state veterinarian's office.”

The plan is in place

So far, avian influenza in the U.S. has spread from flock to flock. “Moving cattle from infected flocks to uninfected flocks appears to be the biggest risk factor,” Hovingh says. “So one very important control point that we continue to emphasize to farmers is to not move cattle into flocks from areas where there is currently transmission, such as Michigan and Texas.”

of USDA requires testing Dairy cows must be tested for the virus before traveling across state lines, and all cows entering Pennsylvania must present a negative test result.

If a cow on a Pennsylvania farm tests positive, measures are taken: The state puts the herd under quarantine. The animals can't be moved to another farm while they're sick. Milk from healthy cows must be pasteurized. Farms must have a formal biosecurity plan in place. “We don't want visitors to come to the farm and then come back to their farm without washing their boots or changing their clothes,” Hoving said.

In light of recent studies, Le Sage recommends that dairymen wear masks, face shields and gloves around milking equipment. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture also Free personal protective equipment For farm workers.

If farmers suspect their flocks have avian flu, they can get tested free of charge. Pennsylvania State University LaboratoryAnd from July 1st, USDA offers financial assistance Subsidies will be given to dairy producers to cover part of the cost of lost milk if their cows test positive for the virus.

“We need to be cautious,” Hoving said, “but at this point, the risk to milkers in Pennsylvania's dairy herds appears to be extremely low because the virus does not appear to be present at all.”




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