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Climate change impacts on monsoon patterns and respiratory diseases

Climate change impacts on monsoon patterns and respiratory diseases


Climate Change is the result of human activities and global warming, which is changing global weather patterns. The phenomenon most affected is monsoon patterns, especially in areas where monsoon rains are essential for daily life and agriculture. Monsoon Pattern The impacts of climate change are manifold, one of which is the significant impact on public health.
One reason for concern is that Respiratory diseasesThese are more directly related to changing environmental conditions.
Changes in monsoon patterns have a major impact on respiratory health due to multiple factors.
During the dry monsoon season, the concentration of dust and other particulate matter in the air increases significantly. Air pollution The monsoon's erratic weather increases the likelihood of respiratory diseases spreading. For example, after heavy rains, humid conditions are known to allow mold to thrive, exacerbating respiratory diseases. Similarly, stagnant water increases the risk of diseases like dengue fever and malaria, which put a great strain on the respiratory system and are spread by vectors such as mosquitoes.

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Prevention and Adaptation Techniques

  • Early warning systems can help communities prepare for extreme weather events and reduce their adverse health impacts. These systems can provide rapid warning of impending floods, cyclones or prolonged droughts so that proactive measures can be taken.
  • The development of cleaner technologies and stricter enforcement of air quality regulations can help reduce the negative effects of air pollution on respiratory health, while campaigns to increase public awareness about air pollution can also induce behavioral change. Health risks It is associated with poor air quality.
  • Strengthening the capacity of health systems is essential to deal with the surge in respiratory diseases. More widely available medicines, improved diagnostic tools, and training health professionals to manage climate-sensitive health disorders are all part of this.

How to take care of yourself if you have a respiratory illness

  • To prevent mold growth, make sure your home has adequate ventilation, but avoid direct exposure to cold, damp air.
  • Use a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels and reduce mold and dust mite growth.
  • Prolonged rain may increase humidity and pollution levels. Please stay indoors to minimise exposure.
  • Keep your inhaler and other emergency medications close at hand.
  • Avoid construction sites that may generate a lot of dust and pollutants.

(Dr Devendra Kumar, Head of Pulmonary Medicine, Sharda Hospital)




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