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5 ways exercise can make you happier

5 ways exercise can make you happier
5 ways exercise can make you happier


Think back to your childhood. Physical activity was instinctual and often filled with pure joy. Maybe you raced your sister or dad to the front door. Or maybe you jumped on the bed with your friends at sleepovers. Or maybe you played a team sport. Or maybe you rode your bike in the park. For many, the connection between physical activity and joy was broken and forgotten on the way to adulthood, replaced by the realities and responsibilities of everyday life. Physical activity may have become more of a duty, something we had to do to optimize our health or get in shape. Or maybe it just took too much time. For some, injury, illness, or the passage of time may have made physical activity a pain. But we give up on physical activity at our own risk and our health. Research shows that exercise, and more challenging, purposeful exercise, is not only good for our physical health, but is also closely linked to our mental state and mood. Related Video: Mental Activity Has Been Proven to Reduce Depression and Anxiety. “I always say that exercise is like an IV drip of hope,” psychologist Kelly McGonigal recently told CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the podcast “Chasing Life.” “And it's any exercise that you're happy to do with any part of your body that you can move.” McGonigal is the author of The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage. A group fitness instructor and lecturer at Stanford University, she has used movement and exercise throughout her life to manage her own anxiety and depression. According to McGonigal, movement enables the production and release of “hope” molecules, technically called myokines, during muscle contractions, for example, when you're exercising or simply moving around. Some of these myokines have antidepressant effects. “Muscles can't just move bones or stabilize the skeleton,” she says. “Muscles are like endocrine organs. They produce these molecules and release them into the bloodstream to travel throughout the body and affect all of the organs. And some molecules can even cross the blood-brain barrier to affect the brain, including mood, mental state, and brain health.” According to McGonigal, exercise allows you to see your body as an ally. “I think that's one of the most amazing things about exercise and the science of exercise, especially because it makes your body feel like a friend,” she says. “It's our partner, not something that we're trying to modify or control through exercise.” McGonigal said many other brain chemicals released during exercise can affect a person's mental state, resulting in a runner's high, a flow state, or even a feeling of euphoria, for example. “The brain states you can experience during exercise are actually very diverse, and it's not one 'thing,'” she said. What can you do to derive pleasure from exercise and during exercise? McGonigal gives these five tips: Exercise on the Go Get out into nature. “We know that mindful exercise or exercising outdoors in nature brings the brain into this heightened state of awareness of the present moment, which tends to make you feel more energized and connected to life,” McGonigal said. “People often feel a release from internal noise, stress, and worries. … It shifts which brain systems are most active, and puts you in a meditative state.” “Turn up the volume, put on your favorite playlist, and get moving.” “When you exercise while listening to high-energy music you love, moving to the beat, and doing something that really gets your heart rate up… it often feels close to euphoric,” she said. “It makes you feel incredibly good, it releases endorphins, and it helps your brain chemistry feel more connected to other people, too.” Video below: The key to a good workout can be as simple as choosing the right music Join a group Being social helps exercise. “Make movement social. Whether it's strength training or running, we know that people form friendships and communities of support through movement,” McGonigal said. Who doesn't need another friend or source of support these days? Exercise can also help you be more social. “People who exercise report feeling less lonely, having better relationships with others, and being able to connect better with others for a variety of reasons, including biochemical reasons and how exercise brain chemicals make you more social,” McGonigal says. “If you're socially anxious and you exercise, by the end of that workout, you're almost a more extroverted version of yourself.” Back to basics Find something you really love. Think about the positive experiences you've had with exercise in the past. “The most important thing in life is to exercise,” McGonigal says. “Revisit something you miss or find a new way to do it.” Change your mindset to be grateful. When you're moving, instead of just monitoring it, find a way to be grateful for your body being able to move. “Switch to a mindset of, 'Wow, my body, I can't believe this!' or, 'Thank you for the energy that lets me do this,'” McGonigal says.

Think back to when you were a child: moving your body was an instinctual act, and often filled with pure joy.

Maybe it's racing to the front door with your sister or dad, or jumping on the bed with your friends at a sleepover, or playing a team sport, or riding a bike in the park.

For many, the connection between exercise and pleasure was severed or forgotten over the course of adulthood, replaced by the realities and responsibilities of everyday life. Exercise may have become more of a chore, something you had to do to optimize your health or get in shape. Or it may have just become too time-consuming. For some, injury, illness, or the passage of time may have made exercise a pain.

Yet we are abandoning exercise at our own peril and at the risk of our health. Research shows that exercise, and more difficult, deliberate exercise, exercise — Not only is it good for your physical health, It is closely related to mental state and mood.

Related video above: Mental activity proven to reduce depression and anxiety

“I always say that exercise is like an intravenous injection of hope,” says the psychologist. Kelly McGonigal CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said in a podcast. Chasing life recently. It's any form of movement you want, with any part of your body that you can still move.”

McGonigal is author of The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage.. The group fitness instructor and Stanford University lecturer has used movement and exercise throughout her life to manage her own anxiety and depression.

McGonigal said movement allows for the creation and release of “hope” molecules. Technically, they are called myokines.which occur during muscle contractions, for example during exercise or simply moving around. Some of these myokines also have antidepressant properties.

“Muscles don't just move bones and stabilize the skeleton,” she says. “They're like endocrine organs: they produce molecules that they release into the bloodstream that travel throughout the body and affect all of the organs. And some molecules can cross the blood-brain barrier and affect the brain, including mood, mental state, and brain health.”

According to McGonigal, exercise helps you see your body as an ally.

“I think this is one of the most amazing things about the science of movement and exercise, especially because it allows us to feel like our body is our friend,” she says. “The body is our partner, not something we try to fix or control through exercise.”

McGonigal said many other brain chemicals are released during exercise that can affect a person's mental state, for example resulting in a runner's high, a flow state or even a feeling of euphoria.

“In fact, there are many different brain states that can be experienced during movement, so it's not one single 'thing,'” she says.

How can you tap into pleasure in your exercise and movement? McGonigal offers these five tips:

Training on the go

Get out into nature.

“We know that mindful movement, or exercising outdoors in nature, tends to put the brain into a state where people feel more aware of the present moment and feel more energized and connected to life,” McGonigal says. “People often feel a release from internal noise, stress and worry. … It shifts which brain systems are most active, creating a meditative state.”

Turn up the volume

Cue up your favorite playlist and get moving.

“Listening to high-energy music you love, moving to the rhythm, and doing exercise that gets your heart rate up often puts you in a euphoric state,” she says. “You feel amazing, your endorphins are released, and the chemicals in your brain help you feel more connected to others.”

Video below: The key to a good workout is as simple as choosing the right music

Join the group

Being social helps with exercise.

“Make exercise social. We know that through exercise, whether it's strength training or running, people form friendships and communities of support,” McGonigal said.

Who doesn't need another friend and source of support these days?

Exercise also makes you more sociable.

“People who exercise report feeling less lonely, having better relationships with others, and being better able to connect with others for biochemical reasons and because exercise triggers brain chemistry that makes you more sociable,” McGonigal said.

“If someone with social anxiety exercises, they'll likely be their more outgoing self by the end of the session.”

Back to basics

Find something you truly love.

“Think about the positive experiences you've had with exercise in your life,” McGonigal says, “and maybe even try returning to some of those favorite forms of exercise or finding new ways to do it.”

Change your mindset to be grateful

When you're moving, find a way to be grateful for the ability to move, rather than monitoring your body.

“Shift your mindset to, 'Wow, body, that's amazing!' or 'Thank you, body, for the energy that allows me to do this,'” McGonigal says.




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